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1.各种从句的用法 从句的用法在前文已有详细讲解,这里就不再赘述。下面通过总结归纳来进一步探讨历年四级翻译对各类从句的考查情况。 1 主语从句 真题:__________ 很多人没有意识到的 is providing the best education possible for their children. 2009.6 答案:What many people don’t realize 2 宾语从句 真题:Many Americans live on credit, and their quality of life__________ 是用他们能够借到多少来衡量的 , not how much they can earn. 2007.12 答案:is measured by how much they can loan 3 表语从句 真题:In my sixties, one change I notice is that__________ 我比以前更容易累了 . 2007.12 答案:I am more likely to get tired than before 4 定语从句 真题:Medical researchers are painfully aware that there are many problems__________ 他们至今还没有答案 2008.12 答案: that/which they haven’t found solution to或to which they haven’t found solution 真题:__________ 与我成长的地方相比 , this town is more prosperous and exciting. 2008.6 答案:Compared with the place where I grew up 真题:The prevention and treatment of AIDS is __________ 我们可以合作的领域 . 2007.6 答案:the field where in which we can cooperate 5 状语从句 真题:Leaving one’s job, __________ 不管是什么工作 , is a difficult change, even for those who look forward to retiring. 2008.6 答案:whatever it is 让步状语从句 真题:I am going to pursue this course, __________ 无论我要作出什么样的牺牲 . 2007.12 答案:no matter what kind of sacrifice I have to make 让步状语从句 真题:Some psychologists claim that people __________ 出门在外时可能会感到孤独 2006.12 答案:may feel lonely when they are away from home 时间状语从句 【真题】__________ 大多数父母所关心的 is providing the best education possible for their children. 2008.12 【解析】本题考查对主语从句的掌握。汉语中“所关心的”实际上是指“所关心的事情”,用英语表达则使用what引导的从句。What在主语从句中作介词的宾语。“关心”可以用be concerned about表达。 【答案】What most parents are concerned about 注:从句的用法参见完形填空部分对从句的讲解。 2.虚拟语气 历年真题中涉及到虚拟语气的考点可以归纳如下: 1 should +动词原形的情形; 2 if或but for等引导的条件句; 3 wish, if only, would rather, It is high time that…的用法。 【真题】You would not have failed if__________ 按照我的指令去做 . 2009.12 【答案】you had followed my instructions 或者you had followed my orders 【解析】本题较为容易,按照汉语意思直译。考点有两个:首先最重要的考点是if从句的虚拟语气考查;根据语法规定,如果主句中出现would +have的形式,从句中应该采用had+过去分词的结构;第二是固定搭配“按照…的指令”表达为follow my inst


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