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P2 新闻 Choose the best meaning of the words in bold. 1-7 BCBABCB Translate the following phrases from Chinese into English. 1.???????? along with… 2.??????? international recognition of unique Chinese cultural forms 3.??????? contribute to the diversity of world cultures 4.??????? reflects the shared cultural identities of Chinese people 5.??????? all social strata 6.??????? at risk 7.??????? die out 8.??????? in one’s view 9.??????? apart from … 10.??? need due attention and care 11.???? may quicken the demise of certain local operas 12.???? urging local opera artists and their troupes to go to the market and support themselves 13.???? seek total commercialization and marketization of local opera troupes 14.??? in response to 15.???? a multi-ethnic nation 16.???? on the verge of extinction 17.???? faces difficulties in sustaining its very existence 18.???? carry out 19.???? call for 20.??? put forward a straight but feasible solution P3-4 听力 听力原文和答案 1.???????? M: Look, I have just bought a pair of new shoes. Do you like them? W: Oh, aren’t they smart? Q: What does the woman mean?(B) 2.??????? W: I lived in Germany when I was a child, so I can speak German very well. And I also learned Italian and French in college. M: Well, the job involves a lot of business trips to Spain, and we expect someone with a good command of Spanish. Q: What does the man imply?(B) 3.??????? W: I think a businessman should be good-looking. M: Well, he does his business with his brain not his face. Q: What does the man mean?(B) 4.??????? W: I thought the lecture was very interesting, wasn’t it? M: Did you really? Q: What does the man mean?(D) 5.??????? M: Oh, look! You are wearing a new necklace. Did you buy it yourself or someone gave it to you? Do I happen to know that “someone”? W: Don’t ask so many questions. Q: What does the woman mean?(D) 6.??????? W: Bob, my typewriter’s broken, and I know you have got several. Could you lend me one? M: Well, I’ll have to think about it. Q: What d


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