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3853、_________is not a process of weathering of the oil spilled in the sea water. 65745:新题:13 A.Biodegradation B.Dissolution C.Cleaning up by crew with skimmers D.Oxidation including photooxidation 3854、________is not a process of weathering of the oil spilled in the water. 65748:新题:14 A.Emulsification B.Sedimentation sinking C.Oxidation including photooxidation D.Burning organized by RCC 3855、_______is not a process of weathering of the oil spilled in the sea water. 65750:新题:15 A.Evaporation B.Dispersion C.Emulsification D.Drifting 3856、_______is not contained in the NM Weekly. 65752:新题:16 A.Amendments to Admiralty Sailing Directions B.Amendments to Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals C.Amendments to Admiralty List of Radio Signals D.Amendments to Guide to Port Entry 3857、______means a unit in which goods are totally enclosed by sufficient strong boundaries such as a freight container, a tank or a vehicle unit with fabric sides or tops. 65754:新题:20 A.UNIT B.CONTATNER C.VEHICLE D.CLOSED TYPE UNIT 3858、A “figure eight” knot is used to______ . 65757:新题:32 A.be a stopper B.join a line C.join lines of equal size D.keep a line from passing through a sheave 3859、A Mediterranean moor should be used when ________. 65759:新题:33 A. anchoring in the Mediterranean B. docking stern to a berth C. docking bow to a berth D. anchoring in a strong current 3860、A block and tackle is rove to advantage. This means that the ________. 65760:新题:36 A. blocks have been overhauled B. hauling parts of two tackles are attached C. hauling part leads through the movable block D. hauling part leads through the standing block 3861、A boom vang ________. 65762:新题:39 A. holds the boom down and flattens the main sail B. draws the head of the sail to windward C. tautens the standing rigging D. douses the gaff topsail 3862、A bridle for an ocean tow consists of ________. 65764:新题:41 A. two chains of equal length B. a single nylon pendant rove through a heavy ring free to


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