British and American English.doc

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British and American English

英国英语与美国英语词汇区别 2008/09/19 21:50 汉/英/美 飞机 aeroplane/ airplane?? 航空邮件 air-post/ air-mail?? 对……(人)生气 angry with/ angry at?? 垃圾箱 ash-bin (dust-bin) /ashcan?? 秋 autumn /fall?? 面包店 bakery /bakehouse?? 纸币 (bank-)note/ (bank-)bill?? 理发厅 barbers shop/ barber shop?? 浴盆 bath /bathtub?? 浴室 bathroom/ bath?? 寝具 bedclothes/ covers?? 饼干 biscuit /cracker?? 百叶窗 blind /shade?? 公寓 block of flats /apartment house?? 宿舍 boarding house/ dormitory?? 预约 booking/ reservation?? 售票处 booking-office/ ticket-office?? 长筒鞋 boot/ shoe?? 圆顶黑色高帽 bowler/ derby?? 裤子的吊带 braces /suspenders?? 小憩时间 break /recess?? 中途下车 break ones journey /stop over?? 白洋布、印花布 calico/ printed cloth?? 旅行队,篷车 caravan/ trailer?? 客车 carriage /coach?? 游览车 charabanc /sightseeing bus?? 药局 chemists shop /drugstore?? 支票 cheque /check?? 衣柜 chest-drawers/ bureau?? 教名 Christian name/ first name?? 电影院 cinema /picture house?? 寄物处,衣帽间 cloakroom /checkroom?? 光头 close crop/ crew out?? 衣夹 clothes-peg/ clothes-pin?? 公共汽车 coach/ bus?? 雄鸡 cock/ rooster 棺材 coffin /casket?? 魔术师 conjuror/ magician?? 蒸汽锅 cooker /stove?? 谷物 corn /grain?? 棍棒 cosh/ blackjack?? 领带 cravat /(neck)tie?? 十字路口 cross-roads/ intersection?? 碗柜 cupboard/ closet?? 窗帘 curtain /drape?? 煎报 cutting /clipping?? 骑自行车的人 cyclist /cycler?? 舞厅 dancing saloon/ dance ball?? 死者,故人 deceased/ decedent?? 无尾礼服 dinner-jacket /tuxedo?? 抹布 dish-cloth /dish towel?? 老资格,老前辈 doyen /dean?? 绸缎店 drapers shop /dry-goods store?? 西洋象棋 draughts /checkers?? 客厅 drawing room/ parlor?? 睡衣 dressing-gown /bathrobe?? 酒类饮料 drink /liquor?? 偶然拜访 drop in/ drop by?? 垃圾箱 dust-bin /ashcan?? 公司的休憩时间 elevenses /coffee break?? 雇佣 engage/ hire?? 机车,车头 engine /locomotive?? 过分 excessively/ overly?? 快递 express delivery post/ special delivery mail?? 战争 fighting/ combat?? 消防队 fire-brigade/ fire-department?? 二楼 first floor/ second floor?? 鱼类,海味 fish /sea food?? 鱼贩 fish-monger/ fish-dealer?? 花线,皮线 flex /electric cord?? 人行道 footway /side walk?? 空格表 form /blank?? 二星



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