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Different Habitats Different Habitats What is Environment ? Physical Factors Temperature Light Rainfall Humidity Wind Speed Soil (esp. for plants) pH Biotic Factors Energy Flow within an Ecosystem Food Chain / Food Web shows the feeding relationship between organisms Decomposers Pyramids of Numbers (Examples) Pyramids of Biomass Why is there energy loss ? Uneaten food Respiration Egestion Excretion ∴ solving the food problem by… consuming organisms in lower trophic levels down a level, increase at least 10 times of food available Pyramids of Biomass Effects of DDT DDT is an effective pesticide DDT has been used for about 20 years It had been banned for over 20 years But, nowadays, the body of every people still has DDT Effects of DDT Reasons : it has excessively long degeneration period (it requires tens of years) it is not easy be destroyed by metabolism of living organisms, so it is easily accumulated along the food chain It killed many predatory birds due to its accumulation to high concentration through the food chain Carbon Cycle Nitrogen Cycle Ecological Independence of Organisms Ecological Independence of Organisms Commensalism one gets (physical) benefit, one feels no effect organism benefited: Commensal organism with no effect: Host easy separate from each other eg. barnacle on crab (barnacle gets transport) Mutualism both obtain benefits not easy separate (even cannot be separated) e.g.1. lichen (mutualism of specific algae fungi) fungi absorb moisture from air and moist the algae algae provide carbohydrates for the fungi Mutualism e.g.2. Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria Leguminous Plants bacteria fix atmospheric nitrogen to nitrogenous compounds for the plant the plant provides carbohydrates to bacteria Parasitism parasite obtains benefits (food protection) host gets harmful effects eg. tapeworm in man (endoparasites) * Introduction Habitat:


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