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The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis Presented by Luo Lingyu 语言学核心期刊 1 外语教学与研究 (北外) 2 外国语(上外) 3 当代语言学 4 外语界 (上外) 5 外语与外语教学(大连外国语学报) 6 外语电化教学(上外) 7 现代外语(广外) 8 中国外语 9 外语学刊 10 外语研究 11 外语教学与研究 12 山东外语教学 13 外语教学(西外) 14 四川外国语学报 15 解放军外国语学院学报 16 中国翻译 17 中国科技翻译 18 东方翻译 19 上海翻译 20 世界文学 21 外国文学评论 22 国外文学 23 外国文学研究 24 当代外国文学 Contents 萨丕尔-沃尔夫假说简介(人物与理论) 发展阶段、研究趋势 文章汇总、研究方法 逐篇讲解(有所侧重) 文章标题,重要作者介绍,期刊来源,文章大意,评价 综述(源起,发展史,国内外研究现状与动态,展望) 参考文献 Edward Sapir With his linguistic background, Sapir became the one student of Boas to develop most completely the relationship between linguistics and anthropology. Sapir studied the ways in which language and culture influence each other, and he was interested in the relation between linguistic differences, and differences in cultural world views. This part of his thinking was developed by his student Benjamin Lee Whorf into the principle of linguistic relativity or the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. Benjamin Lee Whorf Brief Introduction to The Hypothesis The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, a term first used by J.B.Carroll (1956), refers to the views held by Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf (1897-1941) on the relationship between language and culture and thought. The Hypothesis has two major components: linguistic determinism and linguistic relativity The strong version (强势说)says that language determines thought, and that linguistic categories limit and determine cognitive categories, whereas the weak version(弱式说) says only that linguistic categories and usage influence thought and certain kinds of non-linguistic behavior. 萨丕尔—沃尔夫假说(Sapir—Whorf Hypothesis)的思想源头可追溯到德国哲学家海德( G.Herder ,1744 - 1803)(Wilhelm von Humboldt(1762 - 1835),再到博厄斯(Franz Boas,1858-1942)。萨丕尔(E.Sapir)师承博厄斯,沃尔夫(Whorf)又师承萨丕尔。博厄斯学派的文化相对论和历史特殊论成为语言相对论的思想基础方面的影响。 文章汇总 共26篇文章,22篇中文,4篇英文 文献均选自2000年-2014年近14年的核刊 文章讲解以时间为主线(从前到后) 国内(基于文献): 形成阶段:2000-2005年(综述包括理论和实证、述评) 发展阶段:2005年-2010年(认知语言学) 成


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