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学校名称 学年论文 级 专业 班级 题 目 农村经济发展研究 姓 名 学号 指导教师 职称 2013 年 9 月 1 日 内 容 提 要 近年来,我国农村发展进入新阶段以后出现的新情况和新问题,认真贯彻落实党在农村的各项方针政策,调动了广大农民群众的积极性,农业和农村经济取得了新的发展。但农民增收困难和农村实现小康水平仍然是当前农村工作面临的最大难题,影响农民增收的一些长期性、根本性因素并未消除,城乡之间收入差距扩大的趋势在逐步扩大还未得到根本扭转。增加农民收入促进农村经济健康又快又好发展仍是农业和农村工作的根本出发点。为此我国政府必须进一步调整有关政策,深化农村改革,使农民收入实现较快增长和农村实现小康水平的快速实现。 农业农村经济发展的最大“瓶颈”制约是农业产业化水平低,龙头企业带动能力弱。农村的教育落后,农民知识落后对新型农业发展的认识不足,农业结构的不合理,农业生产力低下,技术水平落后都严重制约了农村经济的发展。 农业是经济发展的基础,三大产业农业是基础产业。只有做好农村经济发展才有可能带动农业发展,进而辅助我国经济的发展,促进国民经济又开又好发展。 关 键 词 农业产业化 农业发展 加快 全面发展 Problems And Countermeasures In The Development of Rural Economy Auther:Du Yidan Tutor:Wan Ju Abstract In recent years, rural development of our country has entered a new stage, new situation and new problems after conscientiously implement the party in the rural areas of the various policies, mobilize the enthusiasm of the broad masses of farmers, agriculture and rural economy has obtained the new development. But the difficulty of increasing farmers income and rural well-off level is still the biggest challenges facing the current rural work, some long-term fundamental factors influencing farmers income has not eliminated, the trend of widening income gap between rural and urban areas in expanding havent got the ultimate torsion increase farmers income and promoting rural economic health quicker and better development is still the fundamental starting point of the agricultural and rural work for the Chinese government must adjust related policies, further deepen the rural reform, make achieve faster growth of farmers income and rural well-off level of rapid implementation. Agricultural rural economic development is the biggest bottleneck restriction and low level of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises driving ability education lag behind in the countryside, farmers lack of awareness of knowledge b


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