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学号: 常 州 大 学 毕业设计(论文) (2012届) 题 目 学 生 学 院 专业班级 校内指导教师 专业技术职务 校外指导老师 专业技术职务 二○ 无线遥控电子密码锁的设计摘 要The design of the wireless remote control electronic locks Abstract: This paper designed a wireless remote electronic lock. The system take MSP430F149 as the control core, the innovative use of the lock and modify the design of wireless as a password. The system take 4 X4 matrix keyboard as a input device .The LCD 1602 display is used for system display.NRF905 is used for the wireless transmit and receive. The system uses the LCD1602 for display, it is relative low-cost, long life, simple structure, convenient operation, reliable performance compare with other liquid crystal display. Wireless sending with NRF905-chip,compared to the infrared sensors, its wireless range more widely .To avoid trouble, it must point to point straight-line operation. Experimental results show that the design is low-cost and high reliability, it also has the features of safety performance, installation convenient debugging .It is available for home safes, household doors, windows ,garage doors and anti-theft applications. It improves the market competitiveness and has good application prospects. Keywords: Lock; Wireless remote control; Intelligent control 目 录 1引言 1 1.1课题的开发背景和意义 1 1.2密码锁的研究方向以及特点 2 1.3课题任务 3 2系统分析与总体方案设计 3 2.1无线密码锁的整体设计 3 2.2无线密码锁的方案 4 2.2.1显示模块方案 4 2.2.2 无线发送方案 5 3硬件电路设计 6 3.1单片机系统 6 3.1.1单片机选型 6 3.1.2 单片机振荡电路和复位电路 8 3.2硬件电路系统 9 3.2.1液晶显示电路 9 3.2.2键盘模块 12 3.2.3直流电源设计 12 3.2.4 EEPROM数据存储单元 13 3.2.5 报警电路 14 3.2.6无线发射模块 15 4.软件设计 16 4.1系统主程序设计 16 4.2 人机交互单元设计 17 5实物 19 5.1实物图 19 5.2 实物调试问题 20 6 展望 21 7 结束语 22 参考文献 23 致谢 24 附录A 25 附录B 26 1引言


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