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MBA,MPA,MPACC联考英语词汇形容词【mba加油站】   1. 形容词的定义和分类   形容词是用于修饰名词、表示人或事物特征或性质的词。形容词按构成可分为简单形容词和复合形容词;形容词按意义可分为静态形容词和动态形容词。   (1)简单形容词和复合形容词   1 )简单形容词:由一个单词构成,如easy, honest, good, useful, sunny,friendly 等。   2) 复合形容词:由两个或两个以上的单词构成,复合形容词按照各组成部分的词   性来分,主要有以下几种:   ①名词+形容词sea-sick duty-free   ②名词+名词+ed iron-willed honey-mouthed   ③名词+分词snow-covered peace-loving   ④形容词+名词high-speed fine-manner   ⑤形容词+名词+ed narrow-minded short-sighted   ⑥形容词+分词good-looking ready-made   ⑦副词+形容词ever-green all-round   ⑧副词十分词hard-working well-dressed   ⑨数词+名词+ed one-eyed eight-sided   ⑩数词+单数名词six-foot first-rate   ⑾数词+单数名词+形容词three-year-old ten-metre-deep   (2) 静态形容词和动态形容词   1)静态形容词描绘人或物的静态特征,如short, small, deep, ugly, beautiful 等。 2) 动态形容词带有动作含义,如witty, patient, generous, shy, attractive, naughty,nervous, noisy 等。  2. 形容词的语法功能   形容词在句中可以充当表语、定语、主(宾)语补足语、状语、同位语等句子成分。   (1)形容词作表语   It sounds nice.   He remained si1ent at the meeting.   His dream has come true.   【注意】带有前缀a 的形容词,如afraid, alive, alike, asleep, aware, awake, ashamed等,通常在句中作表语,称为表语形容词。   The children were sound asleep.   The old man remained alive after the accident.   I am afrid that I cant help you.   (2) 形容词作定语   It is a beautifol flower.   Someone else has done it.   (3)形容词作主(宾)语补足语   He died young.   The sun rose red.   The news made her very sad.   The room was found empty.   (4) 形容词作状语   形容词作状语可看作是being+形容词结构或when, if, because 等从句的省略。   He came back (being) disappointed and exhausted.   (Being) Eager to see the sunrise, they got up at four.   (Although) Young in years, he is old in experience.   (5) 形容词作主语、宾语或同位语   Young and old joined in the discussion.   He cant tell right from wrong.   All countries, big or small, are equal. 3. 形容词作定语时的位置   (1)形容词作定语时,通常要放在所修饰的名词之前。   She is a pretty girl.   There is a tall tree in front ofthe house.   (2) 形容词修饰由no, some, any, every 构成的不定代词时,要放在它们之后。   There is nothing wrong with the watch.


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