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题记:努力吧,年轻的鹰;奋斗吧,年轻的鹰;惜时吧,年轻的鹰:回忆往事的时候不为碌碌无为而羞耻,不为虚度年华而悔恨! 中学体育教师职业压力现状与对策调查研究 宁波第二高级技工学校 劳建峰 摘要:目前我国正处于社会转型期,教育也不例外。随着体育新课程改革的深入进行,体育教师体验到的压力,无论在频率上,还是在强度上,都要大大超过以往任何时候。中学体育教师不仅要承受教育改革给他们自身带来的巨大压力,如教育理念的根本性转变,而且还必须承担教师职业本身的特殊性所带来的各种压力,如学生的因素、考核、社会期望以及工作负荷等方面的压力。本研究通过揭示课改后体育教师职业压力现状,引发职业倦怠的致因思考,以唤起教育部门、学校及教师本人对教师健康的重视,从而认识到消除倦怠的必要性和紧迫性;并提出相关意见措施缓解教师压力,提高体育教师素质,促进体育课程改革的健康发展。 关键词:中学体育教师;压力;致因;缓解; 对策 The investigation and study of middle school gym instructors’ professional pressure present situation and counter measuer Jian Feng Lao (Ning bo NO.2 advanced technologigal school) Abstract: At present our country is being in the social transition period, the education is not exceptional. Along with new curriculum reforms through advance, the pressure which the gym instructor experiences, regardless in frequency, in the intensity, must surpass greatly at any time in the past. The middle school gym instructor not only wants to withstand the educational reform the huge pressure which one brings for them, like education idea fundamental transformation, moreover must undertake each pressure which the teacher occupations particularity brings, like students factor, inspection, social expectation as well as working load pressures. Because this research changes after the revelation class the gym instructor professional pressure present situation, the initiation occupation tired sends pondered that arouses the Educational department, the school and teacher to health value, thus realized that to eliminates the tired necessity and the pressing; And proposed that the related opinion measure alleviates the teacher pressure, improves the gym instructor quality, the promotion sports curriculum reform healthy development. Key word: Middle school gym instructor; Pressure; Reasons; Alleviates 前言 我国的教师群体长期以来由于受到体制观念及职业特点等诸多因素的影响,一直是一个高压力群体。体育教师作为教师群体的一分子,同样面临着较大的压力。据调查,59%的中学体育教师认为压力大,而且其压强及致因与其他科目教师又有所区别,这在很大程度上影响了体育教师的身心健康和工作积极性。目前,社会与学校的注意力更多放在学生的身上,仅仅对体育教师教学和部分竞赛结果有所关注,却很少关


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