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Unit 4 How do you get to school? 温故知新 (课前预习类训练) Ⅰ.Match the phrase with the proper picture.(把下列短语和和相应的图片对应起来。) 1.take a bus 2.by trainu    3.take a taix 4.on a bike 5.in a car 6.fly to  7.by subway  答案:1.B 2.F 3.E 4.A 5.C 6.G 7.D Ⅱ.Please go through the text and find the words or expressions that mean the same as those below. (预习课文并从中找出下列汉语表达的相应英文表达。) 1.骑车去上学       2.坐地铁去上班  3.步行去公园 4.乘公共汽车回家 5.前往学校 6.依靠,依赖 7.到达 8.多远 9.多长时间 10.思考、考虑 一鼓作气 (课中强化类训练) ●Exercises for new words (生词专练) Ⅰ.Write down the word or expression according to the sentence meaning and tip. (根据句意和提示写出单词或相应的英文表达。) 1.It takes Mary 35 minutes to get to school by s   . 2.It’s about 500 k    from Qingdao to Jinan. 3.After a q    breakfast,he went to school in a hurry. 4.I don’t have a car.I have to d    on the buses. 5.Could you show me the places in the m   ? 6.My home is near.I (步行)to school. 7.Li Lei (乘地铁)to school every day. 8.His father often goes to Shanghai (坐飞机). 9.If you don’t want to be late,you’d better (乘出租车). 10.(骑自行车)to work is good for our health,I think.●Exercises for phrases (短语专练) Ⅱ.Translate the following sentences into English.(翻译下列句子。) 1.我们班大多数学生乘校车上学。 In our class the students go to school school bus. 2.他们都骑车回家吗?不,一些人骑车回家。 —they all bikes to go home? —No, of them go home bike. 3.你觉得北京的交通怎样? do you     the transportation in Beijing? 4.在世界上的其他地方,人们骑自行车锻炼。other     of the world,people go bicycle to exercise. 5.每天写作业大约花去我两个多小时。 me about two hours      do the homework. 6.你每天早上怎么去上学? How do youschool in the morning? 7.你认为你们城镇的交通状况如何? What do you the transportation in your town? 8.碰到下雨天我就乘出租车。 When it rains I. 9.你住的离车站有多远? How far do youthe bus station? 10.在周末我喜欢骑上我的自行车。 I like tomy    on the weekend. 答案:1.most of,by 2.Do,ride,some,by 3.What,think of 4.In,parts 5.It takes,to 6.get to7.think of 8.take a taxi 9.liv



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