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2013年贵高97班同学聚会策划方案 一、聚会目的: 以加深和拓展同学之间的友谊为第一宗旨,以提高全班之凝聚力为第一目标,以促进大家之间人生体验的经验交流与沟通为第一目的。 聚会的原则 1、坚持自愿的原则。 2、坚持AA制原则。(每人预计出资××元。含住宿、餐食、活动费,多退少补) 3、坚持财务公开原则。 4、坚持一切从俭原则。 主题:深情相拥,真情沟通 时间: 月日报到,在汇合,晚间简餐后. 内容:寻一处安静休闲之地(咖啡馆?茶馆?)聊聊天,座座谈, 每个人通告一下自己的近况+和当年的死党畅快交心+通告一下几天来活动的内容+留详细通讯录。 主题:参观学校,追忆往昔 时间: 月日上午 内容:在校门前集体合影+楼前合影+随意小合影+双人合影+单人照,哈哈,之后进入校园,参观校园,继续拍照;到校外走走曾经走过的地,找找当年的那些关键地点,发发呆,拍拍照,重温年前的美好片段。 主题:尝尝年前的大餐 时间: 月日中午 内容:参观行程结束后,在母校附近的餐厅吃简餐,追忆当年偶尔小小的奢侈和热血同学豪气碰杯醉卧校园的难忘经历。 主题:时间: 月日 内容: 活动之五: 主题:十年聚会欢纪念盛宴 时间: 月日 内容:师生欢聚一堂美酒佳肴欢歌笑语祝福声声把内心汇集的思念! 大家频频提议屡屡碰杯十年感怀烈酒加温将十年聚会的氛围推向最高潮! 注意:1、要提前造造句,准备准备节目; 2、不能喝太醉...... 月日上午月日月日 stressed that promoting the comprehensive revitalization should focus on economic construction as the central focus with, pay special attention to grasp the implementation of five development concepts, deepening reform and promoting the all-round opening up, ensuring and improving peoples livelihood, strengthen the construction of ecological civilization, five priorities, play development mix. To with new development concept measure work, and command action, and training cadres, in implement implementation new development concept in the looking for opportunities, and build highlights, and expand advantage; to full deepening reform, break bound the aspects created vitality of system mechanism obstacles; to active advance full aspects opening, participation in the cast Russian Economic Corridor construction; to guarantees and improved livelihood, strongly won poverty battle; to strengthening ecological civilization construction, for sustainable development reserved space, for future generations left sky blue, and to green, and water clear of better homes. We must in-depth implement implementation new development concept, insisted to economic construction for Center, firmly caught development this first priority, absorbed make construction, heart no distractions caught development, speed up development six big industry, in-depth implementation three big engineerin



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