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生活英语情景口语:大家族 Dialogue 情景对话1 S: Does your family have a record of your ancestors? 你家有族谱记录吗? N: Sure. My mom has been working on our family tree for years. Shes always updating it. 当然有。我妈妈这几年一直在做我们的族谱。她总是在更新。 S: Do you have a copy of your family tree in your house? Id love to see it. 你的房子里有这样一份族谱吗?我好想看看喔。 N: I can show it to you now, if you like. I think it goes back about 8 generations so far. 现在我就可以给看你,如果你愿意看的话。到目前止,我认为它可以追溯到8代人。 S: Thats amazing. Do you have a large extended family? 太了不起了。你有一个大家庭吗? N: Ive got 30 cousins on my moms side and 10 cousins on my dads side. 在我妈妈这边,我有30个表兄弟,在我父亲这边,我有10个党兄弟。 S: Are you very close to your first-cousins? 你跟你的堂兄妹感情好吗? N: The ones that are my age are close relatives. Now that Im older, I dont spend as much time with them as I used to, so I dont know my younger cousins as well as the older ones. 那些跟我年龄相仿的和我很亲密。由于我长大了,我不像过去那样有时间和他们相处,所以比我大和比我小的堂兄妹,我都不是很了解了。 S: I see. Whos the head of your household? 我明白了。谁是你们家的领导? N: Its definitely my mother. And, her mother is definitely the matriarch of the bigger family. 当然是我妈妈了。她的妈妈当然也是这个更大的家庭的女家长。 S: Thats interesting. What does your grandmother think of your step-mother? 好有意思哦。你奶奶怎么看待你的继母? N: At first, she was quite critical of her, but now that theyve been married for a few years, shes starting to accept the fact that my father divorced my mother. 起先,我奶奶对她很挑剔,但是由于他们已经结婚好几年了,她就开始接受我父亲和母亲离婚的事实。 S: Thats pretty much how you feel about your step-mother. Like grandmother, like grandson! 那也是你对你继母的感觉,奶奶和孙子的感受都一样。 Dialogue 情景对话2 N: Do you think Chinese families have changed much in the last 50 years? 你认为过去50年中国家庭有很大变化吗? S: I think families everywhere have changed a lot in the last 5 decades. 我认为在过去的50年中任何地方的家庭都有很大改变。 N: What do you think is the biggest change? 你认为最大的变化是什么? S: Well, in the past, three or four generations would all live together under the same roof. Nowadays, living in the same city as ones relatives is becoming rare. 唔,过去,三四代人都住在一个屋檐下。如今,亲戚同住一个城市的都变得好少了。 N: Thats true. You know, so


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