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Superego The portion of personality that motivates people to act in an ideal fashion, in accordance with the moral customs defined by parents and culture. —— idealistic principle Anxiety and Defense Mechanisms When we are unsuccessful in resolving a conflict through normal constructive actions, we become anxious. Anxiety is considered both a symptom of conflict and a signal to use a defense mechanism. Defense mechanisms are psychological maneuvers by which we distort reality in ways that will help us avoid conflicts and reduce anxiety. Defense Mechanisms Repression Denial Undoing Regression Projection Displacement Reaction formation Rationalization Compensation Intellectualization Sublimation Psychoanalytic therapy Techniques Free Associations The Analysis of Dreams The Analysis of resistance The Analysis of transference Interpretation Humanism Theory Humanism Psychology . humanistic psychology as the third force in psychology Humanism is a psychological approach that emphasises the study of the whole person, and the uniqueness of each individual. ? Humanism Theory Abraham H. Maslow 马斯洛(1908—1970) Carl Ranson. Rogers 罗杰斯(1902-1987 ) Self-actualization自我实现 ?Kurt Goldstein?the tendency to actualize itself as fully as possible is the basic drive...the drive of self-actualization.“ Carl Rogers?the curative force in psychotherapy -mans tendency to actualize himself, to become his potentialities...to express and activate all the capacities of the organism. Humanism Perspective It views human nature is inherently and rational and as naturally moving toward self-actualization . Psychological disorders result when a person’s natural tendency toward self-actualization is blocked. Remove the psychological blocks, and the person can move toward self-actualization Cognitive Theory Cognitive psychology Theory The school of psychology that examines internal mental processes such as problem solving, memory, and language. ?Aaron Beck 贝克(192


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