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绪论: Designing the User Interface HCI概念:Human-computer interaction is a discipline concerned with the design, evaluation and implementation of interactive computing systems for human use and with the study of major phenomena surrounding them. (一门研究人类所使用的交互式计算系统的设计、实施、评估及相关主要现象的学科)使得用户在完成任务时,能够达到:安全性(Safely)、有效性(effectively) 、高效率(Efficiently)【P 14】、愉悦感(Enjoyably)。 直接操作的特点:对象可见、渐进动作和快速反馈、可逆性鼓励探索、使用动作代替语 言、对动作进行句法修正、WYSIWYG—What You See Is What You Get. 多功能感知模型: 第一章:Usability of Interactive Systems交互式系统的可用性 1.可用性: 上世纪70年代末,研究者们提出了可用性(Usability) 的概念,并开始对其评估方法和应用展开了研究。 Hartson (1998)认为可用性包含两层含义:有用性和易用性。 有用性是指产品能否实现一系列的功能。 易用性是指用户与界面的交互效率、易学性以及用户的满意度。 Nielsen(1993) 的定义包括以下要素: ① Time to learn易学性:产品是否易于学习? ② Efficiently交互效率:即用户使用产品完成具体任务的效率。 ③ Remeber易记性:用户搁置某产品一段时间后是否仍然记得如何操作? ④ Error出错频率和严重性:操作错误出现频率的高低? 严重程度? ⑤ Happy用户满意度:用户对产品是否满意? 国际标准化组织( ISO) 在其ISO FDIS 9241211 标准(Guidance on Usability , 1997) 中认为,可用性是指当用户在特定的环境中使用产品完成具体任务时,交互过程的有效性、交互效率和用户满意度。 2.Usability Goals Measures可用性目标和度量: (1)Goals目标: Build High-quality interface高质量的交互系统 Admired by colleagues同行的赞赏 Celebrated by users用户的欣赏 Imitated by competitors广泛传播和频繁效仿 (2)Feelings of users用户感觉: success, competence, and mastery成功感、胜任感、主人感和清晰感 confidently predict what will happen in response to their actions预知每步的操作 enabling users to concentrate on their work, exploration, or pleasure.专注工作、探索或尽情享受其中的乐趣 (3)Usability Requirements: Goals for requirements analysis: ① Ascertain the users’ needs.确定用户需求: Determine what tasks and subtasks must be carried out. Include tasks which are only performed occasionally.Common tasks are easy to identify. Functionality must match need or else users will reject or underutilize the product. Providing excessive functionality is also a danger because the complexity make implementation, learning and usage more difficult. ② Ensure proper reliability.保障恰当的可靠性: Actions must function as specified. Database data displayed must reflect the actual database. The system should be available as often


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