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《妇产科学》教学大纲 《Gynecology Obstetrics》 课程编号: 课程类型:必修,专业课 总学时:86。 理论学时:大课42,小课16,见习学时:26 适用专业:临床医学、医学检验、医学影像学、预防医学、口腔医学、麻醉医学 课程简介: 一、课程性质、目的和任务 妇产科学是医学临床课程的基本组成部分之一,包括妇科学、产科学、围产医学及计划生育等专业。学习妇产科知识要贯彻预防为主的方针,对疾病早期发现、早期治疗以保障广大妇女、胎儿及新生儿的健康。通过妇产科学课程的学习,使学生掌握常见病和多发病的病因、发病机理、临床表现、诊断和防治的理论知识和技能;学习体格检查,特别是妇科情况及产科情况的检查;培养严格的无菌观念,熟悉各种消毒方法;重视手术基本操作的训练;掌握常见病及难产的手术适应症、禁忌症及了解一些手术方法;学习妇科及产科病历的书写;培养学生临床思维及综合判断处理的能力,为临床工作奠定基础。 Course introduction –ObstetricsδGynecology (OB/GYN) OB/GYN is a basic subject of clinic medicine course, which is included in gynecology, obstetrics, perinatology, and family planning. During studying, the students must consist in a principle of preventing diseases and focus on the obstetric and gynecologic care of women throughout their life span, especially in the period of fetus, puberty, sexual maturity and menopause. They must attach importance to preventing and treating the female diseases in the early period. By studying this course, medical students are supposed to gain the essential OB/GYN knowledge, which include etiology, pathogenesis, clinical characteristics, diagnostics and management of the common diseases. Meanwhile, the students will learn how to make physical examination, such as pelvic examination, fetus palpation and pelvic inlet examination. They will also master the concept of asepsis during every procedure and be familiar to the sterilizing methods , the indications and contraindications of various kinds of OB/GYN procedure, and operating skill .In order to set up the foundation of OB/GYN clinic practice, they need to cultivate their abilities of making out the case history of gynecology and obstetrics , the procedure skills training, the clinical thinking, judgments, and solutions to problems step by step. 二、学时分配 (一)大课讲授 内容 理论学时 教学方法 女性生殖系统解剖 2 大课讲授 女性生殖系统生理 2 大课讲授 妊娠生理 2


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