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Reproductive Diseases of Swine 猪 繁 殖 系 统 的 疾 病 危害猪繁殖系统的主要疾病 Major diseases affecting reproduction in swine ●细小病毒病 Parvovirus ● 伪狂犬病 Pseudorabies ●猪繁殖和呼吸综合征(蓝耳病)PRRS ●钩端螺旋体病 Leptospirosis ●日本乙型脑炎 Japanese B Encephalitis ● 猪瘟 Hog Cholera ● 流感 Influenza ●布氏杆菌病 Brucellosis Porcine Parvovirus 猪细小病毒 Common cause of reproductive failure 繁殖障碍的常见病因 Worldwide and in most herds 世界范围内多数猪群都有发生 90-100% of adults are positive 成年猪90-100% 为阳性。 Clinical Signs 临床症状 Depends on stage of pregnancy 怀孕的不同时期,症状不同 30 days - return to estrus 怀孕30天内感染--重复发情 30-70 days - mummies pseudopregnancy 30-70 天间感染--木乃伊和假孕 70 days – can have no effect on litter 70天以上感染--对将出生的仔猪无影响 Source of Transmission 传染源 Infected shedding females 受感染的排毒母猪 Contaminated environment 被污染的环境 virus remains infectious for up to 4 months 病毒保持感染性可达4个月 Resistant to most disinfectants 对大多数消毒药有抵抗力 Semen of infected boars 受感染公猪的精液 Diagnosis of Parvovirus 诊断 Clinical signs 临床症状 increase in females returning to estrus 再发情母猪的数量增加 irregular estrus cycles 发情周期不规则 failure to farrow 分娩障碍 small litters 窝产仔数少 mummies 木乃伊 Laboratory Diagnosis 实验室诊断 FA test on mummies - best test 荧光抗体检测木乃伊——最为有效 Serology - prebreeeding and postbreeding samples 血清学检测——配种前和配种后取样检测 Active antibody titers are very high 主动抗体的滴度极高 Vaccine titers are much lower 疫苗引起的抗体滴度相当低 Prevention of Parvovirus 细小病毒病的预防 Vaccination 疫苗接种 vaccinate gilts twice 30 days prior to breeding 配种前30天内给后备母猪接种2次疫苗 revaccinate every 6 months 每6个月追加免疫1次 vaccinate boars every 6 months 每6个月给公猪免疫1次 Feedback Protocol 回喂程序 Retain viscera from one stillborn pig and one newly born weak pig per 10 head of gilts 每10个新母猪群保留一个死产仔猪和新生弱仔的内脏 Collect all mummies available on that day 收集分娩当天所有的木乃伊仔猪 Feedback Protocol 回喂程序 Collect ? cup of manure from breeding herd per gilt to be fed back从繁殖群每头新母猪收集半杯粪便以供回喂 Mix material in equal parts of cold water将收集的粪便与同量冷水混合 Feed 500 ml(2 cups) per gilt, twice per week for 2 weeks beginning in late development从发育期后期开始对每头新


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