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2011西安世界园艺博览会 游览解说词 Tour Commentary of International Horticultural Exposition 2011 Xi’an China (欢迎辞,在接团见面后讲,可以根据不同游客采用不同地方语言或者不同语气等讲解): (The guide says this greeting text after meeting the tour group. You can use different dialects and different tones according to the different visitors. ) 游客朋友们,大家好!欢迎来到“华夏故都,山水之城”西安!来到美丽的西安世界园艺博览会参观。“2010看上海世博会,2011看西安世园会。”我是导游员***,今天由我带领大家一起走进西安世园会,共同感受这里的精彩和美丽,体验这里的现代科技和绿色时尚。 Hello, everyone. Welcome to Xi’an which is the Chinese ancient capital and a city with mountain and rivers. Welcome to visit the Xi’an World Horticultural Exposition. It is popular to visit Shanghai Expo in 2010. However, it is prevalent to visit Xi’an International Horticultural Exposition in 2011. My name is …. Today I am going to serve as a guide for you. We will go to the Xi’an International Horticultural Exposition together to enjoy the colorful and beautiful scenery and experience the modern technology and green fashion. (西安世园会概况,边走边说): (The guide gives an introduction to the Xi’an International Horticultural Exposition during the tour.) 有人把我们西安新修的火车北站比作粗犷的陕西壮小伙,那我们的西安世园会就是美丽的陕西俏姑娘! If the newly-built North Railway Station of Xi’an looks like a strong guy in Shaanxi, the Xi’an World Horticultural Exposition must be a charming girl in Shaanxi. (可以提问,大家觉得是不是?像不像?) (The guide can ask the visitors “do you agree with me” or “do you think so”) 世界园艺博览会属专业类博览会,是由国际园艺生产者协会(AIPH)批准的世界性园艺展会,被誉为世界经济和科学技术界的“奥林匹克”盛会。它是世界各国园林园艺精品、奇花异草的大联展,是以增进各国的相互交流,集文化成就与科技成果于一体的规模最大的世界园艺博览会。从1960年首次在荷兰鹿特丹举办,至今已经举办过20多届了。 The International Horticultural Exposition belongs to a professional Fair which is approved by International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH). It is a worldwide Horticultural Exposition which is regarded as the Olympic Games in the circle of the world economy and technology. It is a great exhibition of the distinguished gardening and horticultural art and unique flora from different countries, as well as the largest international horti


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