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论武义乡村生态休闲旅游的文化向度 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 摘要:旅游的内核是文化,发展乡村生态休闲旅游尤离不开“在地”文化的挖掘与“重构”。武义历史悠久,文化灿烂,在乡村生态休闲旅游拓展方面具有独特的“文化”优势:以其独有的“东晋明招文化”为标志的隐逸文化似可成为现代都市人躲避城市喧嚣,回归自然生态的精神家园,武义历史上的隐逸名人,也可引申为现代都市人追求的回归自然、心灵自由的先驱;武义道教文化也相当发达,以唐朝高道叶法善为代表的道教文化和独特的风水理念,如在俞源、郭洞等古村落的实物载体上表现得淋漓尽致,也为今天的武义乡村生态休闲旅游平添了一份丰厚而别致的文化风韵;分布广、温度高、储藏量大、水质佳的武义温泉,是武义发展乡村生态休闲旅游的稀缺资源和最大王牌,而不断挖掘和充满的温泉养生文化更是武义人发展乡村休闲养生旅游的品质保证。 关键词:隐逸文化;道教文化;养生文化 On the Village Eco-Leisure Tourism in Wuyi County from the Perspective of Cultural Dimension Li Yuyong Chinese Philosophy and Religious Culture Study Center, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Jiangsu Nanjing 210044 Abstract: The key of tours is culture. Exploration and reconstruction of the value of local culture do help to developing ecology and relaxation tours. Wu Yi has long history and splendid culture which is the distinctive cultural advantage promoting the ecology and relaxation tours: firstly, reclusive culture symbolized by ‘the Eastern Jin Dynasty Ming Zhao Culture’ arouses the interests of modern urbanite in village tours which provide some kind of chance for them to be away from the noisy city and return to the spirit home. The famous hermits in Wu Yi’s history could be regarded as the pioneers and models for those pursuing spirit home urbanites. Secondly, Wu Yi’s Taoism culture is also important, which symbolized by Tang Dynasty Taoist priest Ye Fashan and his thoughts of Tao and fengshui. The objective representation of such Taoism culture is on ancient villages of Yu Yuan, Guo Dong and so on. Thirdly, hot spring health maintenance culture fully ensures the quality of Wu Yi’s village ecology and relaxation tours. The hot spring in Wu Yi has many advantages, such as widespread, high temperature, big storage, high quality water, which provides the rare and valuable resource for Wu Yi’s tours. Key words: reclusive culture; Taoism culture; health mainte


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