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中学生剑桥英语OOK 1词汇

Cambridge English I Theme A Around our school Unit 3 Schools around the world Words: 1. flat / fl?t / n. esp Brit also esp US apartment set of rooms living-room, bedroom, kitchen, etc for living in, usu on one floor of a building 公寓; 单元房; 一套房间market / ?mɑ?k?t / n. [C] gathering of people for buying and selling goods; place where they meet 集市; 市场ales ?[weilz] ?n. 英国威尔士(英国的一部分, 位于大不列颠岛西南)cafe /k? ?fe?, / n. [C] a small restaurant where you can buy drinks and simple meals ?n.餐馆;咖啡馆;酒吧geography / d????gr?f? / n. [U] scientific study of the earths surface, physical features, divisions, climate, products, population, etc 地理学/ bre?k / n. interval, esp between periods of work; pause (时间的)间隙(尤指工作期间的); 停歇science ?/ ?sa??ns / n. [U] these sciences taken as a whole 自然科学(统称); 理科religion ?/ r??l?d??n / n. [C] particular system of faith and worship based on such a belief 宗教 / sp??t / n. [C] particular form of such activity; particular game or pastime 文体活动; 某种游戏或消遣timetable ?[taim.teibl] ? n. a list of the times of classes in a school, college etc. 时间表, 时刻表, 课程表American Equivalent: schedulesubject ?/ ?s?bd??kt / n. branch of knowledge studied in a school, etc 学科; 科目schools around the world look like in a town in the country in the north / south / east / west live in England / Wales in the south of Wales have got a population of 120,000 people near the school go to the swimming pool after school in the school swimming team live about four kilometres from school go on the school bus work in one of the factories on Saturday mornings have guitar lessons near my teacher’s house near the library and museum tell me about your town and school Mona and Ali’s new school timetable do the same subjects Do you like the timetable? What’s your favourite subject? Out and about with English 1. pocket ?/ ?p?k?t / n. small bag sewn into or onto a garment and forming part of it, for carrying things in (衣服上的)口袋, 袋子, 兜儿; 衣袋:band ?/ b?nd / n. group of people playing p



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