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上海丰华(集团)股份有限公司拟收 ..

Medieval Europe Intro/Life/Church Introduction By 500 AD, Germanic Invasions had all but destroyed the urban world of the Roman Empire Trade Declined Cities, bridges, and roads fell into disrepair and disuse. Law and Order Vanished, and education almost disappeared Money was no longer used For most, life did not extend beyond the tiny villages where they were born, lived and died Dark Ages Dark Ages Western Europe was so backward because of this decline that the early part of this period was once call the Dark Ages Medieval- Latin for Middle Age Transition between ancient and modern times Out of this violent medieval period, or Middle Ages, a dynamic civilization arose. Combined elements classical and Germanic cultures with Christian beliefs Medieval Life Review Feudalism- highly decentralized form of government that developed in western Europe. Stressed alliances of mutual protection between monarchs and nobles of various degrees of power. Land given to nobles in exchange for loyalty and military aid With the land came peasants to farm it Nobles also had powers over land usually reserved for governments Medieval Church The decline of Rome led the church to assume many political and social tasks Bishop of Rome, now the Pope, became the strongest political leader in W. Europe. The Pope claimed spiritual authority over all Christians After the fall of Rome…the church takes on the central authority Religious Role Church taught all were sinners Only way to receive grace was through sacraments Most people did not understand rituals Priest spoke in Latin and most could not read or write Much was learned from statues, paintings and stained glass windows that adorned most churches Church Organization Same as early Christian Church Remember the hierarchy? Secular Clergy Pope Bishop Priests Regular Clergy- included Monks and Nuns that lived away from the rest of society Benedict’s Rule Founded a monastery at Monte Cassino Became a model for monks in other communities Ru


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