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※(1)句型a.是“提供帮助”时的常用句型,其肯定回答一般是: Thanks.多谢。 That would be nice/fine.多谢,太好了。 Yes,please.行,请吧。 其否定回答一般是:No thanks.不了,谢谢。 That’s very kind of you, but…那太谢谢你了,只是……。 ---Would you like some tea?来点茶,好吗? ---That’s very kind of you, but I won’t.谢谢,我不要了。 句型b.是表示“谢谢”时的常用句型。其回答一般是: Yes ,I’d love to…是的,我非常愿意。 I’d like/love to, but…我很乐意,但…… ---Would you like to come to my party? ---Yes ,I’d love to. 答语中的to不可省去。 句型c.是表示“请求”的常用句型。其回答是: Sure/certainly/with (great) pleasure. ---Will you please turn off the radio? ---With great pleasure. 26.Thanks a lot+for+n.感谢你…… Thank you+for+doing感谢你…… ※是“感谢某人做某事”的常用句型。其回答: Not at all./That’s all right./You’re welcome. ---Thank you very much for helping me. ---Not at all. * * 1、be+表语(形容词、名词、介词短语、副词) The flower is red. (adj) He is a worker. (n.) They were at home. (prep.) She is out. (adv.) ※从上例可以看出,表语主要在系动词be之后,它与系动词be共同构成句子的谓语。 除系动词be外,还有其它几个常用的表示状态及变化的系动词,如“五官”,它们分别是:感觉_______听起来______闻起来______尝起来_______看起来______“三变化”分别是:_______ ______ ______“二保持”分别是_______ ________。 1.Tom felt t________. 2.Her face turns r______. 3.I became a ________(teach) last year. 4.It is getting ________ and _________.(long) 5.They are the twins . They look the s______. 6.It is very important for us to k_____ healthy. ( )7.Is Tina an outgoing girl?---No, she’s kind of _____ . Her face always ____red when she speaks in public. A .shy; turns B . active; gets C. funny; turns ( )8.The boy looked _____ because he didn’t pass his math exam. A .sad B .sadness C .saddest D .sadly 2.There be与have当“有”讲 ※(1)There be+某人/物+某时/地。表示“某处有某任某物” be的单复数与后面的“某任物”一致。 There _____ a book on the desk. There ______a pen and two knives in the pencil-box. There be后面的主语若不是一个,be的单复数要和最近的一个一致。也可与并列的主语保持一致。“就近原则”。 There ___ two knives and a pen in the pencil-box. (2)have 强调人所有。当主语为第三人称单数时,要用has. He ____ a new house. They ______ a lot of foreign friends. Tom and Jim _____ some red pens. 1.There ___(be) a bird in the tree. 2. There ___(be) a teacher and many students in our cla


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