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卢云 毕业论文

本科生毕业论文 题 目 《水浒传》之燕青形象探析 姓 名 卢 云 学 号 P110711248 院 系 文学院 专 业 汉语言文学 指导教师 马 培 洁 《水浒传》之燕青形象探析 专业:汉语言文学 姓名:卢云 指导老师:马培洁 《水浒传》之燕青形象探析 摘要:在《水浒传》中,燕青直到后半部才登台亮相,然而他一出现就惊艳全场,他是一个英俊潇洒、武艺高强、才华出众的英雄好汉,凭借智勇双全的本事,成为宋江最为得力的助手之一,在一系列故事中扮演了重要角色。燕青不负所托,圆满的完成了各项任务,可见燕青不仅本领高强,而且尽职尽责、忠心不二。但就是这样一个人物,却带着一担金银和皇帝“御笔免罪诏书”归隐田园,这是研究燕青形象不得不探讨的问题。燕青一身所集,实际是理想与现实的根本矛盾,是传统文化中儒家进取精神面临困境时产生的困惑。作者将其理想寄托在自己构筑的故事中,不自觉的展现了自己的矛盾与苦闷,正是这一点,使得小说中的人物更加真实亲切,也使得《水浒传》成为能够引发读者思考历史、探索现实的经典著作。本文将从燕青形象分析入手,探索燕青是怎样一个人物,为何要归隐江湖,进而思考作者如此安排的内因。 关键词:燕青,理想,现实,矛盾 ABSTRACT In the?Outlaws of the Marsh,Yan Qing?did not?debut?until the second half?part of the novel,but his presence was impressive. He is a handsome, high talented hero. With both intelligent and courageous skill,Yan Qing became SongJiang’s assistant,and play an important role in?a series of?stories.Yan Qing have?been?accomplishing?complex?tasks.So we can know that Yan Qing not only?skillful,?and?conscientious,?loya.But He retired to the country with jewels,why? Thats?a?very?important?question. The author expressed by Yan Qing, is actually a fundamental contradiction between reality and ideal, is the enterprising spirit in the traditional culture predicament confusion. The author unconsciously show his contradiction and anguish,because of this,the characters in the novel more real and intimate. This?too?has?made the?Outlaws of the Marsh became a classic novel that can cause readers to think, to explore the reality of history. This paper will analysis the image of yanqing, to explore how a character is yanqing, why would he want to retire,and why would the author do this. Key words:Yan Qing, ideal, reality, contradiction 《水浒传》是一部历经了时间洗淘的经典,自诞生以来就拥有庞大的读者群。其中塑造的大量经典文学人物,不仅备受读者喜爱,在文学史上也占有一席之地。《水浒传》以北宋末年宋江为首的农民起义军故事为蓝本。宋江的故事最早在出现在《宋史》等史料中


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