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Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep
.-- Shakespeare
就task 1而言,最后三个月还有可能再考一次非数据作文,个人认为地图题的可能性更大一些。我们内部讲义的最后一道题就是必须准备的典型题目,下面是我写的范文,另外一些注意事项和必背表达再参考《就是要你过雅思写作6.5》78-82页。(流程图9月26号考过了,是《写作6.5》第77页的原题)
The map shows the school site in 2004 and the planned one in 2010. It can be seen that the school in 2010 is projected to have more infrastructure than in 2004, because the number of its students is expected to increase from a recent 600 to a high of 1000.
From the first map, we can see that there are two study buildings, one in the north and the other in the south. In the west of the school is a small car park, while a play ground is located in the east part, next to Study Building 2.
In 2010, as the second map shows, more facilities will be built to accommodate 400 more students to be enrolled. A new building (Building 3) will be accomplished in the proximity of the old ones, which will then be connected by a new road. A more dramatic change can be noted as for the car park and play ground. The school will have another much larger parking area (Car Park 2) which is planned to substitute the old play ground and a connection road between the two for easier access. Meanwhile, a new play ground that almost doubles the former size will be build to the south of the old location.
211 words
作者按:近期整理了一下跟同学们交流的信件,很多都是答疑解惑,并且很多同学的问题是相似的,我选其代表性的跟后来人(新烤鸭)分享一下。问答分期进行,每一期都有一个侧重点。 本期重点:固定的文章结构等于模板吗?学生问题:小强老师你好,我暑假在北京上的您的课,觉得收获很大。9月5号在济南考的雅思,作文题是国家是应该扩大大学招生还是鼓励年轻人工作,discuss?and?give?your?opinion?我用的是您教的结构,也就是剑5T2范文的结构,第一段没有表明观点,第二段写上大学的好处:分别写了可以打下坚固的学术基础,知识以后会用得着(延长因果);可以培养逻辑的思维方式,可以寻找解决问题的答案(延长因果);可以培养更好的人格,审美和人际交往能力(举例子)。第三段,先However,再说鼓励年轻人工作也有好处,提高GDP的增长,满足社会发展的快节奏。。。But?overall,没有比提高科技更重要的了,提高生产率的就是要提高科技水平,就是要提高工人教育水平,社会需要受过良好教育的人才。。。第四段,In?conclusi