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执笔人 年级及科目 教学题目 教学时间 教师姓名 八年级英语 Unit 3 (第一课时)导学案 Unit 3SectionA1a-2d 【目标】1.掌握1a-2d的词语2.学习提出礼貌的请求和请求允许;3.学会使用句型Could you please...?和Could I...?; 【重】rubbish fold sweep floor mess 重点短语sweep the floor, work on, finish doing, take out the rubbish 听懂“请求做家务活动”的相关话题及文章;学会有礼貌地提出请求和请求准许 【难点】掌握情态动词could的用法和助动词do的用法 【学习过程】 【】Step 1. Brainstorm: What chores do you have at home? Who often does the chores?   How often do your family do them? (Ask a few students to answer the question orally.) Step 2. Do you do these chores at home: Section A: 1a 【】自主学习 明确目标1 试读单词,解决语音问题,联系有关旧单词 2 查阅下面的短语动词 1) 出去吃饭_______________ 2)在外面待到很晚_______________ 3)去看电影_______________ 4)搭车_______________ 5)完成做某事_______________ 6)干净整洁_______________ 7)洗餐具_______________ 8)倒垃圾_______________ 9)叠衣服_______________ 10)扫地_______________ 3.观察以上词组的构成方式: 【3】合作1.小组讨论。What kind of chores Peter and his mom will do? 小组讨论怎样回答。2.小组活动编对话 3.听力:先阅读2a题中Peter的父亲拒绝的理由。然后听2a, 2b。完成练习并核对答案。 4.小组合作做2c。5.分角色表演2d, 小组讨论解决疑难问题。 【4】根据句意、汉语意思和首字母提示完成句子。 The children are picking up the r_________(垃圾)in the river. Children often help s__________(打扫)the rooms in the old people’s home. There are some dirty clothes on the f_________(地板)in his bedroom. Tom’s room is really in a m________(不整洁). ---Mary, could you help f_________(折叠)the clothes? ---Yes, sure.Linda often helps her mother________ _______ ________(洗餐具)after dinner. Jack, remember to_______ _______ _______(整理床铺)after you get up. ---Lucy, have you finished_______ _______ ________ ________(打扫客厅)? ---Sorry, I’ll di it at once. 【】( )1.---Could you please turn off the light? ---__________. A.Yes, I could B.No, I couldn’t. C.It doesn’t matter. D.Yes, sure. ( ) 2.---Could I look at your pictures? ---Yes, of course you_______. should B.could C.will D.can ( ) 3.---Could I use your computer,Jim? ---Sorry, I’m going to


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