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2004 INTERNATIONAL YOUNG ENDOCRINOLOGIST SYMPOSIUM: ENDOCRINE-RELATED CANCER 2004国际青年内分泌学家研讨会: 内分泌相关肿瘤专题 OCTOBER 16-17,2004 Sponsored by Shanghai Education Commission 主办单位: 上海市教委 Organized by Shanghai Clinical Center for Endocrine Metabolic Diseases 承办单位:上海市内分泌代谢病临床医学中心 Contents (目录) Welcome message(致辞) Program(日程表) Committees(学术委员会、组委会) Biographys and Abstracts(专家介绍和演讲摘要) Farewell words(结束语) WELCOME MESSAGE Ladies and gentlemen: On behalf of the organizing committee, I am delighted to extend to all of you a warm welcome to the 2004 International Young Endocrinologist Symposium held in Shanghai Clinical Center for Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai. More than one hundred doctors and researchers have come for this meeting from USA, UK, France, Japan and China to present their latest studies, discuss the critical clinical concerns, share the academic achievements and establish friendly collaborations in the field of endocrine-related tumors. This symposium also provides a room for all the delegates to exchange ideas in the researches of tumorigensis, tumor behavior, early diagnosis and treatment of endocrine-related tumors. Situated in the middle of the east coast of China, Shanghai is the largest and most populous city in China and one of the largest cities in the world. It aims to build itself into one of the economic, financial, trading and shipping centers internationally. With respective themes of urban scenery, urban culture, and urban commerce, Shanghai has developed three tourism itineraries. In the night, neon lights, laser lights, and other colorful lights suddenly glitter and flood into the sea of the lights which make Shanghai a fascinating world. I sincerely wish all you have a wonderful time in Shanghai and this symposium a success. MD, Ph.D. Professor, Department of Endocrinology and Metabol


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