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天津工业大学 毕业设计说明书 “水印碧莲”养生馆室内设计 姓 名 南晓雨 学 院 艺术与服装学院 专 业 环境艺术设计 指导教师 王薇 职 称 讲师 2016年 5月 12日 摘 要 随着现代城市飞速发展,人们对生活品质的追求越来越高,越来越多的养生观念和养生场所遍地开花,国内的养生馆随之推而广之,但是在这连琅满目的众多养生馆中,能够在其中脱颖而出带有自己独有特色的养生馆并不多见。想要设计出别具一格的养生馆,就要全方位考虑养生馆生存的灵魂支柱是什么,就要深刻的从它经营的理念和设计理念考虑,打造一个能摆脱传统的呆板又不失典雅的度假休闲养生馆,就要将其灌注新鲜血液,彰显出养生馆它本有的文化内涵,使得光临养生馆的每一位顾客都能亲身体验到与其不同养生氛围。水印碧莲养生馆则抓住“文化”这个核心。 本项目主要是对桂林阳朔养生馆室内设计进行理论研究。尊重自然,是最基本的设计原则。在设计时,契合当地环境,使建筑风格尽可能融入本土环境,达到建筑、环境、室内相统一。 关键词:室内设计;养生馆;商业空间 ABSTRACT With the rapid development of modern urban, peoples pursuit of higher and higher quality of life, more and more all over the health concept and health sites, and by extension of the National Health Museum, lang everywhere, but even many health Museum, in which stand out with their unique characteristics of Health Museum are rare. Wants to design out unique of Health Museum, will full consider health Museum survival of soul pillar is what, will deep of from it business of concept and design concept consider, build a can out traditional of stiff and losing elegant of holiday leisure health Museum, will will its perfusion fresh blood, show out health Museum it this some culture connotation, makes to health Museum of each one customer are can personally experience to with different health atmosphere. Water Yin Bilian featuring the catch culture of this. This project is mainly to Yangshuo featuring interior design study. Respect for nature, is the most basic design principles. At design time, fit the local environment and architecture as much as possible into the local environment, building, environment, Interior unity Key words:Interior design; health; commercial space 目 录 前言……………………………………………………………………(1) 第一章 课题简介及选题背景…………………………………………… (3) 第二章 “水印碧莲”养生馆室内设计理念……………………………(4) 2. 1 本土化…………………………………………………………………(4) 2. 2 休闲化…………………………………………………………………(4) 2. 3 健康化…………………………………………………………………(4) 第三章 “水印碧


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