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毕业论文写作教程考查试卷 姓名: 学号: 成绩: 1. Translate the following English titles into Chinese. 20 ⑴ The Charms of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer ⑵ Pragmatic Analysis of English Riddles ⑶ Vagueness and Its Pragmatic Analysis of Advertising Language ⑷ On the Two Chinese Versions of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn from the Perspective of Literary Stylistics ⑸Re-interpreting Kate Chopin’s The Awakening from the Perspective of Transcendentalism 2. Translate the following acknowledgements into Chinese. 15 3. Write acknowledgements for your paper in no less than 200 words. 15 4. Translate the following abstract into English. 20 本文试图从深层生态学的视角对美国当代作家查尔斯·弗雷泽的成名作《冷山》进行解读。通过分析小说主人公英曼和艾达两人对现实世界的抗争和相互交织的救赎之旅,以及文本叙述中表现出的生命轮回观和万物共生共荣的自然观,本文将论证小说作者对西方二元论和人类中心主义的批判,揭示其在小说中所流露出的理想的生态整体观,从而警醒人们对人性、历史和现实问题进行生态思考,规劝人们尝试卸下“人”的盔甲,融入大地,追求“生态自我”的实现。 关键词:查尔斯·弗雷泽;《冷山》;深层生态;生态自我 5. Translate the following abstract into Chinese. 20 Abstract: On the basis of psychology and aesthetics, and in view of the social and historical background of figures of speech, the paper, by illustration, tries to prove that aesthetic association is the main psychological foundation of the forming and using of figures of speech. Meanwhile, figures of speech are the demonstration of aesthetic association. The relationship between aesthetic association and figures of speech is in fact the relationship of inner thoughts and outer show. Moreover, figures of speech can strengthen one’s aesthetic perception, promote his aesthetic judgment, and enrich his aesthetic association. 6. Write bibliography (at least 8 items). 10 2


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