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前测 1 贝蒂出生在昆西。 Betty Quincy. 2 她喜欢听童话故事。 She likes fairy stories. 3 很久很久以前,森林里有三只熊。 Long long ago, in the forest. 4 他们住在一栋小房子里,里面有三张床。 They a small house . Was/Were…+ adj… ? Was/Were … + 介词短语/名词+…? Was the baby happy ? Was the young very tired? Was she very bored? Were you at school the day before yesterday? Were you at home yesterday night? Were you a middle school student 2 years ago? 学习目标 1 掌握本课的单词和短语。 2 能借助图片听懂和说出有关Goldilocks故事的前半部分。 3 掌握一般过去时规则动词的发音和变化形式。 door answer hungry right Listen again and choose What did Goldilocks do in the forest? She walked and picked some flowers. She lived in the forest. C She danced in the forest. 2. What happened to her? She hurt. B. She was lost. C. She died. 3. What did she notice? She noticed a pig. B. She noticed a house. C. She noticed a tree. 4. Was there anyone in the house? Yes, there was. B. No, there wasn’t. C. Sorry, I don’t know. 5. What was on the table? Three bowls with food B. Some apples C. Three empty bowels 托尼:金凤花姑娘独自走进了阴暗的森林,摘了一些花。 大明:哦,她经常独自在森林里走吗? 托尼:不是。不久她就迷路了。金凤花姑娘朝四周看了看。“我这是在哪儿啊?”她问道。接着,她注意到一栋小房子。于是她赶快朝那栋房子走过去,敲了敲门,没人回应,于是她又反复敲门。最后,她 推了推门,门开了,里面没人。 大明:噢!那房子没人住吗? 托尼:等一下,大明!金凤花姑娘走进房子里,然后往一个小房间里看了看。在一张桌子上有三个碗,碗里盛着好吃的东西。一个碗小,一个碗大,还有一个碗特别大。金凤花姑娘特别饿,她端起了那个特别大的碗,但她不喜欢——太烫了。接着她又端起了稍大的那个碗,但还是不喜欢——太凉了。小碗里的正好,她把碗里的东西全吃了。 重点短语 从前 在森林里 决定做某事 散步 独自一人 迷路 四周看 敲门 进入房子 往……里面看 拿起、举起 --Did + 主语 + V原+ ……? --Yes, I did. No, I didn’t. Yes, she/he/they did. No, she/he/they didn’t. Did you read English online yesterday night ? Did you do your homework last night? Did he go over lessons an hour ago? Did she help with the housework last weekend? ----Was the baby happy ? ----Yes , he was./No, he was ---Did you do your homework last night? --- Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. Practice. Write down the past tense 过去式 of the words under the pictures count enter hurry knock notice pick push counted picked noticed hurried knocked pushed entered be lost was lost [Id] [d] [t] [t] [d] [t] [t] 一般动词的过去式中-ed 发音: 规则 动词原形 过去式 以清


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