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管理科学与工程(工程管理) (学科代码:120100 ) 学科简介(400字以内) 本学科专业点1983年经评审通过成为博士学位授予点,同年建立博士后流动站,本专业点现有生导师本专业点承担国家自然科学基金、社会科学基金、国家教委各类基金、各部委、江苏省各大企业事业单位科研项目等。在国际国内学术刊物上和学术会议上发表论文每年平均余篇,出版专著部。近年来,获国家、部委、省市级科技进步等奖共项。本专业的学位获得者应有坚实宽广的理论基础,掌握管理知识并能地运用管理理论与方法,广泛了解国际上有关领域的最新动态培养目标马列主义毛泽东思想和邓小平理论,热爱祖国,遵纪守法、学风严谨,实事求是,有良好的敬业精神和合作精神。 掌握、、、,熟练掌握具备独立从事工作能力。熟练掌握一门外语建设全寿命周期集成管理 建筑业管理学位论文应在调查研究的基础上,选择有一定学术价值,对国民经济发展有一定意义的课题。围绕论文开展科研工作的时间不少于1年。 现代房地产投资与开发 40 2 建筑业及建筑企业战略管理 40 2 合同管理理论和方法 40 2 必 修 环 节 实践环节训练 一般为教学实践、生产实践(临床实践)或社会调查 1 考查 选听公共讲座或学科进展类讲座 要求文管医类硕士生选听研究生院统一组织的公共类讲座至少5次;理工类硕士生选听学科进展类讲座至少3次。 1 考查 学术讨论学术会议考查 注:1. 要求士生学位课程根据此表,课程从“研究生课程目录”中选择。Management Science and Engineering (Discipline Code: 120100) Brief Introduction of Discipline (within 400 words) In 1983, the university enrolled the first batch of graduate students of this major. And in 1998, permission was granted to recruit doctors of the same major. In the same year, post-doctoral research station was founded. According to the most updated information, this major (Engineering Management) has 10 graduate supervisors. 5 of them are full professors, and the rest are associate professors. Among these 10 professors, 2 people are PhD supervisors and 7 people are PhDs. In recent years, this major has participated in research programs from National Natural Science Funds, Social Science Funds, National Major Technical Support Research Programs, all kinds of funds of State Education Commission, State Ministries and Commissions, and enterprises and institutions in Jiangsu province. Over 40 pieces of academic paper and 3 monographs are published every year in the academic publications and conferences both at home and abroad. Recently, we have been awarded quite a few prizes from the State, Ministries, Commissions as well as the province and municipally. We have 4 institutions and Engineering Management Informationization Laboratories. Our focus is put on the research of construction industr


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