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八年级上册Unit5Can you come to my party? Section A(1a-1c) 一.Teaching aims and demands: Knowledge objects: 1.To learn some important phrases: study for a test, help my parents, go to the doctor, visit my aunt, have a piano lesson. 2.To learn the important sentence pattern: Can you come to my party? Sure, I’d love to. \Sorry, I can’t. I have to... Ability objects: Learn to talk about invitations. Learn to write a passage to invite others. Moral and vaule: Educate the students to know about the differences between China and western countries. Teaching important points: 1.Mater some important phrases 2.Master the important sentence pattern: Can you come to my party? Sure, I’d love to. \Sorry, I can’t. I have to... Teaching difficulty points: 1. To write a passage to invite others. Teaching procedure: Step 1. Revision 1.Duty report. 2.Revise the important phrases and important sentences: Can you come to my party? Sure, I’d love to. \Sorry, I can’t. I have to... Step 2 : Lead in: Show the samples of letters of invitation. Ss read the letters and fill in the chart. (getting information) (A) Dear Sally, We’re having a small party next Friday night to celebrate Tom’s return from Canada, and we would be very happy if you and Peter could join us here, around 8 p.m. I’m at home----give me a call. Looking forward to seeing you. Love , Sue (B) Dear Paul, We are having a party on March 20th at our house for Claudia’s birthday and we hope you can come. It only happens once a year! The party will start at 9pm and will go on until late! Bring a friend. See you on the 20th! Yours, Claudia and Sonia (C) Dear Dan, I am arranging (安排)a get-together at our house to welcome back Professor and Mrs. Rust after their two-year stay in England. I should very much like you, as a former(以前的)student of the professor’s, to join us. The date I have in mind is October30th.


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