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初二英语上学期Unit6 学情分析 ???调查学生的喜好,从喜欢的话题入手。根据不同的能力布置不同的课前准备。让每一个学生上课都有出色的表现。让基础较差的学生预习好单词的读法,去了解一下什么是比较级。? 中等基础的学生罗列出形容人物特征的形容词。基础教好的去了解自己与他人的相似点,不同点。 analyse Survey student preferences, from the start with the favorite topic. Depending on the capacity of different layout before class preparations. Give every student in class a high level of performance. Poor students to prepare the basis for a good method to read a Word, to find out what is a relatively level. Secondary student sets out to describe the basis of character adjectives. Based teaching to understand their own and other peoples similarities, differences. 注重积极的情感、负责的态度和正确的价值观的培养,注意激发学生的好奇心和求知欲,让学生了解数学知识的形成过程和应用价值,发挥评价的激励和导向功能,帮助学生认识自我、建立自信。大力鼓励和奖励学生,对优良学生,鼓励他们还要刻苦学习,努力进步,要致力于发展性思维训练,不光是为了考 试分数高,更主要的是掌握学习策略和学习过程。 Responsible for focusing on positive emotions, attitude and cultivation of correct values and stimulate students curiosity and thirst for attention to enable students to understand the formation and application of mathematical knowledge, motivating and guiding function of evaluation to play, helping students to understand themselves and develop self-confidence. Strongly encourages and rewards students for good students, encouraging them to study hard, work progress, training to be committed to the development of thought, not only in order to score higher, more important is the mastery learning policy and learning process. 1、重示范。在教单词时,要求教师自己示范到位,发音清晰,讲解发音要点。同时培养学生认真听,专心看,积极模仿的好习惯。听清后再跟说。确定学生大都听清,模仿正确后,再出示单词卡片,以免分散学生的注意力。对直观的单词配以图片、体态语帮助学生理解。顺利完成音——形——义的逐步过度。 Teaching Word, requiring teachers to their own model in place, sounds clear, explain the pronunciation. Cultivate students listening, concentration, active imitation of good habits. Heard and said again. Determine most students hear, imitated correctly, and then show the word cards, so as not to disperse the attention of students. Intuitive word accompanied by pictures, helps students to understand body language. Successful completion of music--s


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