JSP.12 API核心外文文献翻译.doc

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外文原文 JSP.12Core API This chapter describes the javax.servlet.jsp package. The chapter includes content that is generated automatically from Javadoc embedded into the actual Java classes and interfaces. This allows the creation of a single, authoritative, specifica-tion document. The javax.servlet.jsp package contains a number of classes and interfaces that describe and define the contracts between a JSP page implementation class and the runtime environment provided for an instance of such a class by a conforming JSP container. JSP.12.1 JSP Page Implementation Object Contract This section describes the basic contract between a JSP Page implementation object and its container. The main contract is defined by the classes JspPage and HttpJspPage. The JspFactory class describes the mechanism to portably instantiate all needed runtime objects, and JspEngineInfo provides basic information on the cur-rent JSP container. None of the classes described here are intended to be used by JSP page authors; example of how these classes may be used is included elsewhere in this chapter. JSP.12.1.1 JspPage Syntax public interface JspPage extends javax.servlet.Servlet All Known Subinterfaces: HttpJspPage All Superinterfaces: javax.servlet.Servlet Description The JspPage interface describes the generic interaction that a JSP Page Implementation class must satisfy; pages that use the HTTP protocol are described by the HttpJspPage interface. Two plus One Methods The interface defines a protocol with 3 methods; only two of them: jspInit() and jspDestroy() are part of this interface as the signature of the third method: _jsp- Service() depends on the specific protocol used and cannot be expressed in a generic way in Java. A class implementing this interface is responsible for invoking the above methods at the appropriate time based on the corresponding Servlet-based method invocations. The jspInit() and jspDestroy() methods can be defined by a JSP author, but



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