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毕业论文﹙设计﹚ 题 目 基于MySql的邮局订报系统的设计与实现 学生姓名 学号 所在院(系) 数学与计算机科学学院 专业班级 信息与计算科学1102班 指导教师 完成地点 陕西理工学院 2015 年 6 月 12日 基于MySql的邮局订报系统的设计与实现 作者: (陕西理工学院数学与计算机科学学院信息与计算科学专业信计1102班,陕西 汉中 723000) 指导教师: [摘要]近几年,随着信息技术的飞速发展,市场竞争越发激烈,用户自己去邮局订阅报刊这种传统的订阅报刊的方式已经不能满足人们对报刊服务的需求.现在社会进入了网络时代,人们都喜欢宅在家里从网络上寻找自己需要的信息,通过网络进行物品的买卖.报刊作为一种文化载体,自然也会受到很多人的喜欢和订阅. 本系统旨在利用Mysql、PHP、Apache设计出一个邮局订报系统,这个系统可以验证身份,人们可以通过新用户注册成为会员,订购或者退订报纸;管理员可以通过后台管理修改已有的报纸信息、添加\删除报纸条目、并对会员的信息进行管理. [关键词]邮局订报系统; MySql ;PHP ;Apache The design and implementation of the post office do system based on MySql Wang Yang (Grade11,Class02,Information and computing science Major, Mathematics and Computing Science Dept., Shaanxi University of Technology, Hanzhong 723000,Shaanxi) Tutor: Quan Shuangyan Abstract: In recent years, With the rapid development of information of technology, the market competition becomes increasingly fierce by themselves and the traditional newspapers way already cannot satisfy people demand for newspapers and periodicals service. Now society entered the Internet era, people like cartilage at home looking for information you need from the Internet, Now society entered the Internet era, people like curtilage at home looking for the information they need from the Internet, they buy and sell items via the web. Newspapers as a cultural carrier, so a lot of people will like and subscribe This system is to use Mysql, PHP, Apache, to design a post office do system, the system can verify identity, people can through the new user registration as a member and subscribe or unsubscribe newspaper; Administrators can revise the existing newspaper information through the management of background, add or delete entries, and manage the information of members by themselves. Keywords:The post office to do system; MySql; PHP; A


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