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毕业论文题目 柴油机主要参数对排气能量的影响 PAGE ii PAGE 13 PAGE 3 学校代码:10410 序 号:070989 本 科 毕 业 论 文 题目: 柴油机主要参数对排气能量的影响研究 学 院: 工 学 院 姓 名: 易 泽 华 学 号: 2007089 专 业: 交 通 运 输 年 级: 07 指导教师: 陈 平 录 二O一一 年 五 月 柴油机主要参数对排气能量的影响 毕业论文题目 摘 要 随着能源和环境问题的日趋深化,汽车节能减排成了社会发展的必然趋势。作为汽车动力源的车用内燃机的技术改进和升级是汽车节能减排当前的重点,而热效率更高、排放更低的柴油机的研究显得意义非凡。本文以单缸四冲程柴油发动机为研究对象,建立了柴油缸工作过程数值计算模型。在此基础上分析了柴油机主要参数转速n、负荷(喷油量)、进气提前角α和排气提前角γ对排气温度、流量和能量的影响。通过分析得出了以下结论:随着转速n的提高,排气能量显著增加,并呈折线增加;随着负荷(喷油量)的增大,排气能量增加,并呈直线增加;随着进气提前角α增大,排气能量小幅增加,并呈抛物线增加;随着排气提前角γ的的增大,排气能量的峰值越早出现,排气能量增加,并呈近似直线增加。 关键词:柴油发动机;主要参数;排气能量;分布规律 Analysis About HowResearch on Tthe influence of Diesel Engine Mmain Pparameters Ion nfluence The Exhaust exhaust Energyenergy for diesel engine Abstract: As energy and environmental problems is to deepen,auto savingEnergy saving and emission reducing for car have became an inexorable trend of the development of society due to the energy and environmental problems. Technology improvement and upgrades of internal-combustion engine,,As the power of vehicle,,has been the key of Auto saving,, diesel engine research on higher thermal efficiency,, lower emission has special importance nowadays. With a single cylinder diesel engine with four strokes as the research object,, this paper establishes the numerical model of the diesel cylinder's working process. Analyze how the main parameters of diesel engine speed n,, load (injection quantity),, inlet advance angle and exhaust advance angle influence exhaust temperature,, flow velocity and energy. Conclude the following conclusion through the simulation: Along with the speed n increases,, exhaust energy significantly increase in broken line form; Along with the load (injection quantity) increases,, exhaust energy sharply increase; With gas-entering advance angle alpha increases,, exhaust energy increases slightly and


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