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毕业设计论文说明书 年产63万吨热轧线材车间设计 摘  要 根据毕业设计的要求,设计年产63万吨的热轧高速线材生产车间,采用单线轧制方式。产品规格为Φ5.5~16mm,单卷盘重约2吨。本设计产品包括碳素结构钢和优质碳素钢。 本车间设计的内容主要有:产品大纲和金属平衡表的制定;设计工艺方案和工艺流程;工作制度的确定及轧机生产能力分析;主要设备的选择;辅助设备的选择及计算;车间平面布置及起重运输;车间技术经济指标;环境保护;孔型设计;轧机力能参数计算及电机设备校核等。 本设计原料采用连铸坯,以减少金属的损失,而且连铸坯的组织结构较好,这也提高了产品的质量;还可以减少轧制间隙时间,提高生产率。 加热炉为步进梁式加热炉,进出料方式采用侧进侧出,以保证炉子的严密性,加热能力为120t/h。加热炉由微机控制,出炉温度为1050~1250°C。 轧机采用高速线材轧机,全线均为无扭轧制,终轧保证速度为100 m/s,最高轧制速度为120m/s。 为改善产品微观组织,轧后采用控制冷却技术,轧后冷却通过水冷箱和一套斯太尔摩冷却运输系统来完成。斯太尔摩冷却运输系统采用延迟型冷却运输装置,它适用于冷却各类碳钢,具有较好的冷却效果。 总之,上述先进工艺技术和设备是本设计的产品高质量的重要保证;同时也为高线生产车间设计提供了一个很好的样板。 A workshop of new hot rolled high-speed wire with the output of 630,000 t/a Abstract According to the requirements of graduation design, a new single line of high-speed wire rod workshop with the output of 630,000 t / a will be built. Product specifications are for 5.5~16 mm diameter, each coil weighs about 2 tons. The products in this design include the carbon structural steel and high-quality carbon steel. The main contents of the design are mainly as follows, formulation of products scheme and metal balance, design of technological plan and process, the determination of work routine and production capacity analysis of rolling mill, choice of the main equipment, choice and calculation of the auxiliary equipment, the grooves design, the layout of workshop and hoisting and conveying equipment, check of roll strength and motor power, technical and economic indicators of the workshop and environmental protection etc. The continuous casting billet is used as raw materials in this design to reduce the metal loss. The better microstructure of the billets can also improve the quality of the product and reduce the rolling gap time to increase productivity. The reheating furnace is a walking beam type furnace which is side entry and side exit to ensure the tightness of the furnace. The heating capacity is 120t / h. The furnace is controlled by the computer. The exit temperature is 1050~1250°C. The high-speed


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