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流水技术用于提升路由器性能的分析与研究 学生:指导老师:Water technology is used to improve the performance of router analysis and research Student: (Faculty Adviser: ) (Huainan normal university computer college) Abstract: With the advent of Internet technology and various types of network applications, so network quality of service has been a huge challenge and concern, many researchers have found a simple increase bandwidth does not solve this problem. From this perspective, the routing device is the primary network connection devices. Its performance will be immediate reaction network quality of service. This article is made inquiry in water technology. Its most important goal is to increase the performance of the router. In the high-speed router forwarding process, focusing on application of water technologies. About forwarding engine speed progress, it was carried out thorough research. Enhance the forwarding engine must face difficulties. By using a variety of methods (a variety of approaches in other methods including TCAM), high-speed forwarding engine pointed out new ideas - pipelining of high-speed forwarding engine. This method can increase the performance of the router. It is possible to solve the problem of network quality of service, so that the router is no longer a barrier restricting network development and constraints. Keywords: The router Network quality of service High-speed forwarding engine Water technology Parallel flow technology 前言 路由器是整个互联网设备中的枢纽,它是相互之间有差别的网络进行彼此联接的核心,路由器是Internet的全部框架的组成者,它的处理速度在网络快速发展中是一大制约因素。因此,在未来整个因特网研究领域,路由器技术处于并且将长时间的出去要害地位,它的发展过程也将成为整个因特网研究的一个重要写照。 现今网络发展速度,不可小观。随着网络快速成长,它在路由器的性能方面,提出了愈来愈高的要求。为了适合于下一代网络的高速度的需求,路由器正在被挑衅。为了对路由器的性能加以提升,许多先行者会有很多在路由器上研究。对于路由器高速转发技术,他们是研究的方向之一。高速转发技术中引入流水线技术。这是现今提升路由器的一个重要探究方向。流水线技术可谓是很好一种方法。它将串行处理转变为并行处理。简单在运行操作期间,多条指令一起执行。流水技术能够提升指令的运行功效。其利用的方法是对各个部件的使用来兑现的。路由器是整个网络重要组成部分,流水技术在路由器中应用也将在提升路由器性能发挥巨大作用。 本文对路由器的工作原理、转发过程、体系结构等理论进行了简要的概述,对于流水线进行了基本概念的叙述和有关问题的说明,并且流水技术在路由器中的应用。 1 路由器的概述 1.1路由器产生 网上的最重要的设备是路


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