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1. Summary of Ships 1.1 Concept Ship means sea-going ships and other mobile units, include ships apparel, but does not include ships or craft to be used for military or public service purposes, nor small ships of less than 20 tons gross tonnage. 我国海商法上的船舶,是指海船和其他海上移动式装置,包括船舶属具在内。但是,用于军事的,政府公务的船舶和20总吨以下的小型船舶除外。 2. Real Rights on Ships 2.1 Ownership of ships (or: ship ownership) The ownership of a ship means the shipowner’s rights to lawfully possess, utilize, profit from and dispose of the ship in his ownership. 船舶所有权,是指船舶所有人依法对其船舶享有占有、使用、收益和处分的权利。 * Chapter 2 Ships and Real Rights on Ships 1.2 Legal nature of ships 1.2.1 Unity 1.2.2 Deemed to be immovable property 1.2.3 Personification 1.3 Registration and ship’s nationality 1.3.1 Registration and ship’s nationality 1.3.2 Flag of convenience 战后挂方便旗船数量增加的原因 : 第一,以船旗国来说,可以收取一笔可观的登记费及税款,而不承担什么国际义务。 第二,从船东这方面,觉得挂方便旗有利可图。 第三,很多发展中国家和地区利用输出劳动力,使本国船员受雇于外国船舶,以赚取外汇。 挂方便旗的弊端 : 第一,方便旗逃脱了正常的检验、监督,其技术设备较低,事故也因此而增多。 第二,发达国家船员被挤出竞争行列,造成大量失业;对发展中国家而言,航运业务被垄断,对发展本国远洋船队也不利。 Paragraph 2 of Article 92 of the UNCLOS 1982 (United Nation Convention on the Law of the Sea,1982) prohibits double nationality,and thus double registration must be avoided, in order to ensure that a ship does not fall under the jurisdiction of more than one state. 《联合国海洋法公约》第92条第2款规定,悬挂两国或两国以上国旗航行,并视方便而换用旗帜的船舶,可视为无国籍船舶。 Characteristic: ① the subject is the shipowners; ② the object is ships; ③ the acquisition, transference or extinction of the ownership of a ship shall be registered. 2.1.1 Acquisition of ownership of ships Article 72 (1) of General Principles of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China provides that, “Property ownership shall not be obtained in violation of the law.” 依我国《民法


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