毕设论文---北京市花园小区15mw燃气蒸汽锅房工艺设计 .docVIP

毕设论文---北京市花园小区15mw燃气蒸汽锅房工艺设计 .doc

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哈尔滨商业大学毕业设计(论文) Graduation Project (Thesis) Harbin University of Commerce 15MW Gas Steam Boiler Building Technological Design of Garden Community in Beijing City Student Hou Wendong Supervisor Wang Ying Chen Zhifeng Specialty Building Environment and Equipment Engineering School School of Civil and Refrigerating Engineering 2006-06-10 毕业设计(论文)任务书 姓名 学院 班级 专业 毕业设计(论文)题目: 立题目的和意义: 技术要求与工作计划: 时间安排: 指导教师要求: 2、结合专业所学知识,收集相关设计资料,认真准备。 3、保证设计方案合理,设计计算准确,严格参照相关工程设计规范进行设计。 4、认真绘制施工图,布局合理,图面整洁,遵守国家制图标准。 5、设计说明书格式规范,内容完整,数据准确。 (签字) 年 月 日 教研室主任意见: (签字) 年 月 日 院长意见: (签字) 年 月 日 毕业设计(论文): 年 月 日 摘 要 Abstract This work is the 15MW gas steam boiler building technological design of garden community in Beijing. According to “the manual design of fuel boiler building”, this paper mainly clarified the design method design principle and the detailed calculation process of the gas steam boiler building. This paper included several main parts as follows: the introduction, the definition of thermal load and the selection of boiler types, the water and steam system of the gas boiler, the gas pressure regulator system of the steam boiler building, the principle of boiler building layout and the requirement of other majors, the automatic control and the thermal characteristics measure of the boiler building. The introduction mainly describes the prospective of the gas boiler buildi


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