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Alcohol Use, Abuse, and Dependence Ting-Kai Li, M.D. Director National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism National Institutes of Health U.S. Department of Health and Human Services National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Mission Alcohol Use Alcohol: Our Most Primitive Intoxicant Egypt (el-Guebaly N, el-Guebaly A, 1981, Int J Addict., 16:1207-21) barley beer is probably the oldest drink in the world with its origin in Egypt prior to 4200 BC China (McGovern et al., 2004, PNAS, 101:17593-17598) 7000 BC - the production of a prehistoric mixed fermented beverage of rice, honey and fruit (neolithic village of Jiahu in Henan province) 2000 BC- unique cereal beverages (Shang and Western Zhou Dynasties) Ancient Warnings About Alcohol and Harmful Use Through the Ages 1600-1050 BC - Downfall of Egyptian and Chinese Empires and Dynasties attributed to excessive alcohol use 460-320 BC- Grecian Scholars issued advisories on drunkenness and moderate drinking Plato – No use under age 18, between 18-30 use in moderation, no restrictions for use by those older than 40 Aristotle and Hippocrates were both critical of drunkenness 11th Century AD - Simeon Seth, a physician in the Byzantine Court, wrote that drinking wine to excess caused inflammation of the liver, a condition he treated with pomegranate syrup Total Per Capita Consumption in Gallons of Ethanol by State - United States, 2003 Cumulative Distribution of Alcohol Consumption in the United States Drinking Patterns: Rates and Risks High-Risk Drinking Drinking Patterns: Rates and Risks Binge Drinking The National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism has recommended the following definition of Binge Drinking U.S. Adult Drinking Patterns and Risks 2001-2002: Odds Ratios Harmful Drinking Pattern Across the Lifespan Number of Days in Past 30 Drank 5 or More Drinks Relative Risk of an Alcohol-Related Health Condition as a Function of Daily Alcohol Intake Odds of Co-Occurrence of Current (12-month) DS


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