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视译练习Sight InterpretationParagraph 1:On October 15,2007, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2007 jointly to Leonid Hurwicz (Regents Professor Emeritus of Economics at University of Minnesota), Eric S. Maskin (Professor of Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University) and Roger B. Myerson (Distinguished Service Professor at Professor at University of Chicago) “for having laid the foundations of mechanism design theory”.The Prize amount SEK10 million, will be shard equally among the Laureates.2007年10月15日,瑞典皇家科学院 决定将2007年度诺贝尔经济学奖授予:列奥尼德·赫维茨(美国明尼苏达大学 经济系 杰出荣誉教授)、埃里克·S·马斯金(美国普林斯顿 进修学院 社会科学教授)、罗杰·B·迈尔森(美国芝加哥大学 杰出贡献教授)“以表彰他们对于建立机制 设计理论 所做的贡献”。奖金总额1,000万瑞典克朗,将由获奖者 平均分享。The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, founded in 1739, is an independent organization whose overall objective is to promote the sciences and strengthen their influence on society. 瑞典皇家科学院 成立于1739年,是一个旨在推动科学发展 以及 加强科学在社会中影响的 独立组织。Traditionally, the Academy takes special responsibility for the natural scnences and mathematics.按照传统,科学院特别关注 自然科学 和 数学的发展发。Paragraph 2: 中国的市场规模越来越大,而且方兴未艾。 The Chinese market has become larger in scale and shows a continuous, upward trend.没有人怀疑中国正在成为世界上成长最快的巨大市场,而且已经成为世界上最大的电视机、电冰箱和手机消费国。No one doubts the fact that China is becoming the largest market in the world which enjoys the fastest growing, and has become the largest consumer of television, refrigerator, and mobile phone.住房、私家车和境内外旅游 已经成为新的消费热点。Housing, private car and domestic and outbound tourism have become the new highlights of consumption.去年,中国国内市场消费了2万亿美元以上的生产资料 和 生活资料。Last year, the domestic market consumed production and livelihood materials with a total value of more than $2 trillion.在拥有近5亿人口的中国东部地区,人均GDP已经达到了2,000美元。The per capita GDP of East China where the population is nearly 500 million reached $2,000.笔记练习Paragraph 1: The third challenge is how to build a harmonious society. 第三项挑战,是如何构建和谐社会。Globalization brings


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