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Financial planning 1. Introduction: ⑴ Company Name: purple clouds Hotel Corporation ⑵ Company: Purple House headquarters in Chinas investment in China Pearl - Shenzhen. The hotel set KTV, bar club, spa and leisure, Chinese food, chess recreation, entertainment city sauna, tea, room for one of the major leisure and entertainment. Companys chain of operations in Guangxi, Don guan, Fujian, Hong Kong, and other regions, located in major cities in the downtown area, convenient transportation, beautiful environment, commitment to global customers overseas clients, providing first-class entertainment platform, is a large high-level business meeting holiday entertainment company. ⑶ Business Type: Corporation ⑷ Legal Representative: Wang Munching ⑸ Registered capitals: 90 million RMB ⑹ Philosophy: quality of survival, innovation and development, management effectiveness, honesty is golden ⑺ Purpose: service public, to improve the quality of human life, honesty as principle ⑻ Business scope: KTV, bar club, spa and leisure, Chinese food, chess recreation, entertainment city sauna, tea, room ⑼ Business advantage: plans to build hotel is located in Haikou City the heart of the sea show in the crowd flock Road pedestrian street, near South Trade Bar Street, the famous hotel north of Haikou, a Street. 2. The project introduced marketing planning book catalog (1) Hotel Overview and Tasks (2) Market analysis (3) The competitive analysis (4) Hotel strengths, weaknesses and opportunities and threats analysis (5) Marketing goals (6) Hotel Marketing Strategies (7) New budget hotel investors and dividends (8) The implementation and control of marketing programs 3. In detail introduced marketing panning (1)With the task of purple clouds Hotel Overview Hotel 918 West show in the sea, between the city center between the South Zone, convenient transportation for business and city tours. Elevated entrance on the south of Jiangsu Road, next to the hotel, the hotel brings convenient


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