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Monitoring and Measuring Facilities Control Procedure 检测设备控制程序 Document Revision History 文件变更记录 Version 版本Revision Date 变更日期Revised Content 变更内容Reviser 修订者 A/01 06/01/ 2009 First release/首次发行 Edited by: 编制 Verified by: 核准 Approved by : 批准 Date: Date: Date: 1. Objectives目的 T establish testing and inspection equipments management and calibration procedure, standardize all the related work. Keep the facilities accuracy and ensure products checked meet the requirement. 建立完善的测量仪器管理程序,规范测量仪器的维护、保养及校验,维持测量仪器和工具的准确性,确保被检测产品符合规定的要求。 2. Applicable Scope适用范围 Thprocedure is applicable for all the monitoring and measuring facilities related product quality in the company. 适用于公司所有与产品质量有关的测量工具和仪器。 3. Responsibilities职责 3.1 department is responsible for equipment registration and record, also charge for collect all facilities, send out for calibration. 质量部负责对测量仪器的统一登记,记录,送检。 3.ach user department is responsible for the equipment management. 各使用部门负责对测量仪器和工具的管理。 3.ach User department is responsible for equipments daily maintenance. 各使用部门负责对测量仪器和工具的日常维护和保养。 4. Defines 定义 4.1 equipments: All the equipments or the instruments related inspection with product quality, security and environment test 测量仪器:指与本公司产品质量,安全和环境有关的检验、测量与试验设备或仪器。 4.2 External: If company doesn’t have the ability to calibrate internally, so entrusts the exterior organization to do the calibration. 外校:因公司内部无校验能力,而委托外部机构对测量仪器和工具进行的校验。 4.xempt calibration: Some equipment not related to product quality directly. Each department can use directly. 免校:对不用于产品品质之直接判定的测量仪器和工具,各使用部门确认后无需进行校验。 5. Procedures工作程序 5.1 equipment classification controls测量仪器分类控制 5.1.1 equipment code to formulate by the quality department. 测量仪器编码由5.1.2 Measurement equipments code is only, pastes in measurement equipments appropriate position, and registers in Measurement equipment Data sheet. 测量仪器的编码是唯一的,贴于测量仪器的适当位置上,并在《测量仪器一览表》上登录。 5.1.3 equipments calibration in this company is divided exter


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