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2015年成人学位英语阅读理解解题方法:态度题 态度题 一篇文章不可避免地会反映作者的观点、态度和情绪。能否正确地把握作者的观点和态度是体现学生阅读理解能力的一个重要方面。这类题目主要是考查学生能否正确理解作者的写作意图、所持的观点及阐述文章主题时的语气或对他所论述的对象的态度。命题者命制这类题时往往涉及对有争议问题的看法,对事物的评价——作者持什么样的态度?是赞同还是反对?是同情、冷漠、失望还是批评、表扬? (一)常见的提问形式 The authors main purpose in this passage is ... The authors purpose of writing this passage is... In this passage the authors attitude toward.., could best be described as... What is the authors attitude towards... . The authors main thought is that... . The authors probably feels that... . The writer discusses.., in order to illustrate which of the following? . In this passage the author looks on ... with an attitude of... . What is the tone/mood of the passage? . The author argues in the passage that... . According to the author... 解作者态度(attitude)或语气(tone)题,关键在于把握作者对全文主体事物(与主题有关)或某一具体事物的态度。由于作者态度主要由语言来表达,因此必须弄清有关表达褒义、中性和贬义的手段。 1.加入形容词定语。 例如:A.His words were few. B.His interesting words were few. 假如A为中性叙述的话,那么B则体现了说话人对“He”的正面评价。 又如:C.They are all seniors. D.They are all premature seniors. 同样,假如C项为中性叙述,那么由于加入形容词定语“premature”,D项表达了一种贬义。 2.加入副词状语。加入的副词状语通常是对动词的叙述加以界定。 例如:He successfully makes the travel plan.(表明一种正面态度);They speak clumsily.(表明一种负面态度) 3.特殊动词。英语中有些动词也表明说话者的正负态度,如:fail(未能)、ignore(忽视)、overestimate(估计过高)等动词表示一种负态度。由上可知,确定作者态度,可以有两种思路:问全文主体事物的(包括主题),可以根据阐述主题或有关主体事物的相关句中的形容词、副词或动词,确定作者的态度;如果问的是对某一具体事物的态度,则可以定位到具体相关句,然后确定答案。 例l3 English folk singers have adopted a conventional method of singing. During the performance the eyes are closed,the head is upraised,and a rigid expression of counte-nance is maintained until the song is finished. A short pause follows the conclusion,and then the singer relaxes his attitude and repeats in his ordinary voice the last line of the song, or its title. This is the invariably ritual or formal occasions. It does not proceed from any lack of appreciation. The English peasant is by nature a shy man and unde- monstrative, and on ceremonious occasions, as when he is singing before an audience, he becomes very nervous


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