english reding 2 canada,mass production.doc

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english reding 2 canada,mass production

The 3rd Period ⅠTeaching Material Passage 3 Canada ⅡTeaching Objectives To train the students’ reading ability by practice Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text Ⅲ Emphasis Reading comprehension of passage 3 Ⅳ Difficulties Language points in the texts Idiomatic phrases Ⅴ Teaching Methods Practice, discussing and learner-centered method Ⅵ Teaching Steps Step I. Lead-in Do you know something about Canada? Where does it lie? Step II. Reading Comprehension 1. Let the Ss to read the passage and finish the corresponding exercises in 5 minutes. 2. Main idea of the text: It mentions the general view about Canada: the making of Canada, official language, industrial, agriculture and political system. Step III. Language points: 1. Some famous places in Canada Ottawa渥太华 Montreal蒙特利尔 Toronto多伦多 Ontario安大略省 Quebec魁北省 British Columbia不列颠哥伦比亚省 不列颠哥伦比亚省(British Columbia) 艾伯塔省(Alberta) 萨斯喀彻温省(Saskatchewan) 马尼托巴省(Manitoba) 安大略省(Ontario) 魁北克省(Quebec) 新不伦瑞克省(New Brunswick) 新斯科舍省(Nova Scotia) 爱德华王子岛省 (Prince Edward Island) 纽芬兰及拉布拉多(Newfoundland Labrador) 育空地区(Yukon) 西北地区(Northwest Territories) 努纳武特地区(Nunavut) 2. account for(数量、比例)占,是…的原因, 解释, Please account for your disgraceful conduct. ? 对你的可耻行为请作解释。 The Commonwealth of Nations?英联邦 Commonwealth of Nations is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain. 英联邦(大英国协)是由一些曾经是大不列颠殖民地的,而现在已经独立的国家的一个自由组织。 Governor general总督 Attorney General .检察长邮政总局局长 The Prime Minister总理,首相 9.Canada:the Senate参议院 the House of Commons下议院 USA:the Senate参议院House of Representative众议院 English: the House of Lords贵族院(上议院)single-member constituency单议席选区;单议席选举组别 double-member constituency双议席选区;双议席选举组别 multi-member constituency多议席选区 the peoples courts人民法院high courts高等法院 intermediate court中级法院 grass-roots court基层法院 specialized courtsforest courts, maritime courts, railway transportation courts , martial courts. 森林法院、海事法院、铁路运输法院、军事法院Civil or


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