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Assignment topic: What is Equal Employment Opportunity(EEO)? What are its objectives? How can it contribute to an organization’s success. Equal employment opportunity?is employment practice where employers do not engage in employment activities that are prohibited by law. All individuals, including those that fall under the protected classes, have an equal opportunity for employment and advancement within an organization. The employee must prove they were discriminated against when they were treated differently because of their status in one of those protected classes. It is illegal for employers to discriminate against an applicant or employee on the basis of race, age, color, sex, religion, or national origin. Equal opportunity?is a stipulation that all people should be treated similarly, unhampered by artificial barriers or prejudices or preferences, except when particular distinctions can be explicitly justified.?The aim according to this often complex and contested concept?is that important jobs should go to those “most qualified”. It means that persons most likely to perform ably in a given task and not go to persons for arbitrary or irrelevant reasons. Chances for advancement should be open to everybody interested, such that they have “an equal chance to compete within the framework of goals and the structure of rules established.”?The idea is to remove arbitrariness from the selection process and base it on some “pre-agreed basis of?fairness, with the assessment process being related to the type of position,”?and emphasizing procedural and legal means.?Individuals should succeed or fail based on their own efforts and not extraneous circumstances such as having well-connected parents.?It is opposed to?nepotismand plays a role in whether a social structure is seen as legitimate. Equal Employment Opportunity(EEO) is about making sure that workplace are free from all forms of unlawful discrimination and harassment, and providing programs to assist members


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