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翻译硕士考研必备-基础短语翻译 改革开放 reform and opening-up; reform and opening to the outside world 改革开放的总设计师 chief architect of the reform and opening up policy 改革开放和社会主义现代化建设 reform and opening and in the modernization drive 改革试点 pilot reform; reform experimentation; pilot restructuring enterprise 盖洛普民意调查 Gallup Poll 盖帽了 great; excellent; wonderful 改名潮 name-change boom. (Taiwan has seen a name-change boom amid the current economic crunch, local media reported Monday. 据台湾媒体23日报道,经济不景气,当地人最近兴起改名潮以求转运。) 概念车 concept car 概念商品 concept goods 改善农民进城就业环境 improve the employment environment for rural workers in cities 改善农牧民生产生活条件 improve the living and production conditions of farmers and herdsmen 改善缺医少药的状况 alleviate the shortage of medical services and medicines 改制上市 (of an enterprise)get listed on the stock market after being re-organized according the modern corporate system 改革开放和现代化建设的全过程 the entire process of reform, opening-up and modernization 干部队伍革命化、年轻化、知识化、专业化 make the ranks of cadres more revolutionary, younger in average age, better educated and professionally more competent 干部下放 arrange for cadres to go to work at grassroots units or participate in physical labor 感到不妙 I smell a rat. 尴尬,困境,糟糕 pretty pass 甘居下游 be resigned to backwardness 感情投资 investment in human relationships 赶时髦 follow the fashion; want to be in the swim of things 干细胞 stem cell 感谢款待的信 a bread and butter letter (a letter sent as thanks for being treated well as someones guest) 干预 intervene (China will impose severe penalties on officials who intervene in government statistical work and manipulate or fake data, said a draft law revision submitted to the top legislature Monday. 全国人大常委会22日审议统计法修订草案,草案规定领导干部如干预统计工作,自行修改统计资料或要求统计机构、人员伪造统计资料等,将受严厉惩罚。) 赶超先进 surpass the advanced 港澳台 Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan 港人治港 Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong 岗位津贴 post allowance 岗位培训 on-the-job training


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