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OpenGL Programming and Application Yiren-Chen About This Course Introduce you a new and exciting fields in computer science Introduces some basic concepts of OpenGL Teach you the fundamentals for writing your own 2D-/3D- graphics applications with OpenGL Help you to study computer graphics in future Required Textbook Reference Textbook Grading Programming Assignments (50%) Course Paper (30%) Class Attendance and Performance (20%) Course Topics Introduction to OpenGL State Management and Drawing Geometric Primitives Viewing Color Lighting Blending,Antialiasing,Fog and Polygon Offset Display Lists Drawing pixels,Bitmaps,Fonts,and Images Texture Mapping Selection and Feedback Chapter 1 Introduction to OpenGL Objective Appreciate in general terms what OpenGL does Identify different levels of rendering complexity Understand the basic structure of an OpenGL program Recognize OpenGL command syntax Identify the sequence of operations of the OpenGL rendering pipeline Understand in general terms how to animate graphics in an OpenGL program Outline 1.1 What is OpenGL? 1.2 OpenGL Command Syntax 1.3 OpenGL-Related Libraries 1.4 A Simple OpenGL Program 1.5 Setup OpenGL Programming Environment 1.6 OpenGL As a State Machine 1.7 OpenGL Rendering Pipeline §1.1 What is OpenGL? OpenGL=Open Graphics Library OpenGL is a software interface to graphics hardware. Streamlined Hardware-independent Cross platform OpenGL is an graphics rendering API(Application Programming Interface). Consists of more than 700 distinct commands. OpenGL is nothing more than a set of functions you call from your program. (think of as collection of .h files) 1.What Can OpenGL Do? Rendering basic geometric primitives, like points,lines,triangles,polygons Matrix operations Pixel operations Texture mapping ........ 2.What Can Not OpenGL Do? Create windows Handle window events Response to user input ......... §1.2 OpenGL Command Syntax Data Type OpenGL Functions Constant 1.Data Type Basic Data Type With prefix GL


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