lecture 10_array.ppt

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lecture 10_array

Lecture 10 Arrays Related Sections: Chapter 11 See P375 New words allocation n.分配, 安置 arbitrary adj.任意的,独裁的 array n.排列, 数组vt.部署 bound n.跃进,范围v.跳跃, 限制 content n.内容,满足adj.满意的 destination n.目的地, [计] 目的文件 diagonally adv.对角地 Discard vt.丢弃, 抛弃v.放弃 eliminate vt.排除, 消除v.除去 histogram n.柱状图 homogeneous adj.相似的,均匀的 horizontally adv.地平地, 水平地 Matrix n.矩阵 incorporate adj.合并的vt.合并, indicate vt.指出,简要地说明 indices n. index 的复数 multidimensional adj.多面的, 多维的 mysterious adj.神秘的 offset n.偏移量vi.偏移 reverse n.相反,adj.颠倒的vt.颠倒 scan v.细看,浏览,扫描n.扫描 selection n.选择,选集, 精选品 subscript adj.写在下方的 subsidiary adj.辅助的, 补充的 successive adj.继承的, 连续的 swap v.交换 synonym n.同义字 tabulation n.作表, 表格 track n.轨迹,路, 磁轨, 途径 ultimate adj.最终的, 根本的 unpredictable adj.不可预知的 unsymmetrical adj.非对称的, 不匀称的 unwary adj.不注意的, 粗心的, vertically adv.垂直地 visualize vt.形象化, 想象vi.显现 Objectives To appreciate the importance of array data to programming To be able to declare and manipulates simple arrays To recognize how the process of passing arrays as function parameters differs from the process of passing simple variables. To learn how to apply static initialization to arrays To understand the structure of multidimensional arrays. Storage of Array Individual array elements are referenced with the array name and an index that identifies the element position in the array, The array element begins from zero. Initializing an Array Accessing the Array Element Each element of the array is considered as a simple variable. Quiz: It is an array declaration: int a[3]; Which one is invalid to refer to particular members of arrays ? A)a[0] B) a[1*2] C)a[4-2] D) a[3] Array vs. Primitive Variable You can not use an array name on the left of an assignment because array is not associated with a memory “box” whose value can be changed. An array name is associated


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