CS 61B Data Structures and Programming Methodology.ppt

CS 61B Data Structures and Programming Methodology.ppt

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CS 61B Data Structures and Programming Methodology

CS 61B Data Structures and Programming Methodology July 14, 2008 David Sun Announcement Project 1 Due Tomorrow at 11:00a.m. Due to technical problems, for HW1 everyone will get credit. Today More on asymptotic analysis Analysis Example 1 Problem 1 Given a set of p points, find the pair closest to each other. Algorithm 1: Calculate the distance between each pair; return the minimum. double minDistance = point[0].distance(point[1]); /* Visit a pair (i, j) of points. */ for (int i = 0; i point.length; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j point.length; j++) { double thisDistance = point[i].distance(point[j]); if (thisDistance minDistance) { minDistance = thisDistance; } } } There are p (p - 1) / 2 pairs, and each pair takes constant time to examine. Therefore, worst- and best-case running times are in ?(p2). Iterates p times Iterates p/2 times on average Analysis Example 2 Problem 2: remove consecutive duplicates from an ints array of length N Algorithm 2: int i = 0, j = 0; while (i ints.length) { ints[j] = ints[i]; do { i++; } while ((i ints.length) (ints[i] == ints[j])); j++; } Although we have a nest loop the running-time is not ?(N2). Why? The outer loop can iterate up to ints.length times, and so can the inner loop. But the index i advances on every iteration of the inner loop. It cant advance more than ints.length times before both loops end. So the worst-case running time of this algorithm is ?(N) time. Iterates up to p times, Iterates up to p times Analysis Example 3 Problem 3 Given 2 strings, tests if the second string is a substring of the first. Algorithm 3: boolean occurs (String S, String X) { if (S.equals (X)) return true; if (S.length () = X.length ()) return false; return occurs (S.substring (1), X) || occurs (S.substring (0, S.length ()-1), X); } What’s the best case? What’s the worst case? What’s the complexity of the worst case? Consider a fixed size of N, N0 Let C(N) be the worst-case


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